The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Heracleum is in the family Apiaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Heracleum

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Heracleum abyssinicum (Boiss.) C. Norman Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum aconitifolium Woronow Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum adae Kulieva Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum afghanicum Kitam. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum albovii Manden. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum amanum Boiss. & Kotschy Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum amplifolium Lapeyr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum amplissimum Wender. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum anatolicum Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum angustilobatum Nikitina Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum anisactis Boiss. & Hohen. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum antasiaticum Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum apiifolium Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum arcticum Rupr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum argaeum Boiss. & Balansa Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum armoricum Boreau ex Arrond. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum artvinense Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum asperum M.Bieb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum auritum Bisch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum austriacum L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Heracleum bailletianum Timb.-Lagr. & Marcais Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum barbatum Ledeb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum barmanicum Kurz Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum bhutanicum M.F.Watson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum biternatum W.W.Sm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum bivittatum H. Boissieu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum brevivittatum Ledeb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum brignoliifolia Franch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum cachemiricum C.B. Clarke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum calcareum Albov Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum candicans Wall. ex DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Heracleum candolleanum Gamble Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum canescens Lindl. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum × carbonnieri Reduron, Michaud & J.Molina Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum carneiflorum Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum carpaticum Porc. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum caspicum DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum ceretanum Sennen Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum ceylanicum Gardner ex C.B.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum chloranthum Borbás Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum chorodanum DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum cinereum Lindl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum circassicum Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum clausii Ledeb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum colchicum Lipsky Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum coreanum H.Boissieu Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum crenatifolium Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum cuneatilobatum Hausskn. & Bornm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum cuneiforme DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum cyclocarpum C. Koch Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum dalgadianum S.M.Almeida Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum daralaghezicum Takht. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum davisii Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum deqenense R.H.Shan & Z.H.Pan Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum dichotoma Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum dissectifolium K.T. Fu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum douglasii DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum dulce Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum egrissicum Gagnidze Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum elgonense (H.Wolff) Bullock Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum fargesii H. Boissieu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum flavescens Baumg. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum forrestii H. Wolff Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum franchetii M. Hiroe Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum freynianum Sommier & Levier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum giganteum Fisch. ex Hornem. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum glaberrimum (Beck) Dalla Torre Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum gorganicum Rech.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum grande (Dalzell & A. Gibson) Mukhop. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum grandiflorum Steven ex M.Bieb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum grandiflorum Dalzell & A.Gibson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum grandis (Dalzell) S.M.Almeida Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum grossheimii Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum hemsleyanum Diels Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum henryi H. Wolff Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum hirsutum Edgew. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum hookerianum Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum humile Sm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum hypoleucum Vis. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum idae Kulieva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum incanum Boiss. & A.Huet Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum inperpastum Koidz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum insigne Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum isopetalum Maxim. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum jacquemontii C.B.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum jugatum Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum kansuense Diels Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum kingdonii H. Wolff Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum lanatum Michx. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum lehmannianum Bunge Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum leichtlinii Vatke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum lescovii Grossh. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum leskovii Grossh. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum ligusticifolium M.Bieb. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum likiangense H.Wolff Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum longifolium Hegetschw. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum macranthum Borbás Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum mandenovae Satzyp. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum massyciticum Stapf & Wettst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum maximum W. Bartram Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum mesopotamicum M.Hiroe Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum millefolium Diels Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Heracleum minimum Lam. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum moellendorffii Hance Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Heracleum multibracteatum Rech.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum nanum Satzyp. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum nepalense D. Don Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum nyalamense Shan & T.S. Wang Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum olgae Regel & Schmalh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum oreocharis H. Wolff Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum orphanidis Boiss. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum osseticum Manden. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum pachyrhizum Sommier & Levier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum palmatifidum Fisch. & Avé-Lall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum palmatilobum DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum panaces L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum panaces Gueldenst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum paniculatum Lavy Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum paphlagonicum Czeczott Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pastinaca Fenzl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pastinacifolium C. Koch Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum persicum Desf. ex Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum peshmeniana Ekim Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pimpinellifolium Spreng. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pimpinellifolium Rupr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pinda Dalzell & A.Gibson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pinnatum C.B. Clarke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum platytaenium Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum polyadenum Rech.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum ponticum (Lipsky) Schischk. ex Grossh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum propinquum Aitch. & Hemsl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pubescens (Hoffm.) M.Bieb. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pulchrum Zumagl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum pumilum Vill. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum rapula Franch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum rawianum C.C.Towns. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum rechingeri Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum rigens Wall. ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum × rodnense Nyar. & Todor Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum scabridum Franch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum scabrum Albov Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum schansianum Fedde ex H.Wolff Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum schelkovnikovii Woronow Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum siamicum Craib Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum simplicifolium Wettst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum sisianense Boiss. & Buhse Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum sommieri Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum souliei H. Boissieu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum spathiphyllum K.Koch ex Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum speciosum Hornem. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum sphondylium L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 18
Heracleum sprengelianum Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum stenopteroides Fedde ex H. Wolff Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum stenopterum Diels Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum stevenii Manden. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum strelkovii Grossh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum subglabrum Kitam. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum subtomentellum C.Y. Wu & M.L. Sheh Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum sumatranum Buwalda ex Steenis Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum tabuchii Akasawa Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum taylorii C.Norman Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum tenuevittatum Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum thomsonii C.B.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum tiliifolium H. Wolff Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum trachycarpum Soják Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum trachyloma Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum tragoides Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum tuberosum Molina ex Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum umbellatum Gueldenst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum umbonatum Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum vicinum H. Boissieu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum villosum Fisch. ex Spreng. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum viscosum Fisch. ex Spreng. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum voroschilovii Gorovoj Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum wallichii DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum wenchuanense F.T. Pu & X.J. He Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum wolongense F.T. Pu & X.J. He Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum woodii M.F.Watson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum woroschilowii Gorovoj Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum xiaojinense F.T. Pu & X.J. He Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum yoshii Kitam. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Heracleum yungningense Hand.-Mazz. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum yunnanense Franch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Heracleum zozimioides Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23


The Plant List includes 355 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Heracleum. Of these 52 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 51 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Heracleum. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 355 species names for the genus Heracleum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 52 14.6%
Synonym 58 16.3%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 245 69.0%

All names

The status of the 406 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Heracleum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 74 18.2%
Synonym 86 21.2%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 246 60.6%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 355 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Heracleum, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 52 57 0 0 109 30.7%
Low confidence 0 1 0 245 246 69.3%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Heracleum is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 38 25 0 6 0 69 19.4%
WCSP (in review) 14 33 0 239 0 286 80.6%