The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Polycarpaea is in the family Caryophyllaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Polycarpaea

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Polycarpaea alsinefolia C.Mohr Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea angustipetala H.Perrier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea arenaria Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea arida Pedley Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea aristata (Aiton) C.Sm. ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea aurea Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea balfourii Briq. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea basaltica Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea billei Lebrun Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea brevianthera Ewart & Cookson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea breviflora Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea breviflora F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea burtonii F.M.Bailey Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea caespitosa Balf.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea candida Webb & Berthel. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea candidissima S.Brunner ex Bertol. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea carnosa C.Sm. ex Buch Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea clavifolia M.G.Gilbert Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 2
Polycarpaea cuspidata Schltdl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea darbandensis A.Chev. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea diffusa Wight ex Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea diotoides Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea divaricata Poir. ex Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea divaricata Balf.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea diversifolia Domin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea djalonensis A. Chev. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea douliotii P. Danguy Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea eriantha Hochst. ex A.Rich. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea fallax Pedley Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea fallax J.Gay ex Oliv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea frankenioides C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea gamopetala Berhaut Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea garuensis J.-P.Lebrun Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea gaudichaudii Gagnep. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea gayi Webb Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea glabra C.T.White & W.D.Francis Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea glabrifolia DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea glauca C.Sm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea gomerensis Burchard Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea grahamii Turrill Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea guardafuiensis M.G.Gilbert Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea hassalensis D.F.Chamb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea hassleriana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea haufensis A.G.Mill. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea hayoides D.F.Chamb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea helichrysoides H.Perrier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea holliensis A.Chev. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea holtzei Maiden & Betche Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea humifusa J.Gay ex Oliv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea inaequalifolia Engl. & Gilg Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea incana Cowie Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea involucrata F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea jazirensis R.A.Clement Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea kuriensis R.Wagner Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea lancerottensis Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea lancifolia Christ Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea latifolia Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea lignosa Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea linearifolia (DC.) DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea longiflora F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea majumdariana Venu, Muthuk. & P.Daniel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea marginata C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea microceps Cowie Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea minuartioides DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea mozambica Kunth & C.D.Bouché Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea multicaulis Cowie Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea nivea (Aiton) Webb Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea parviflora Domin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea paulayana R.Wagner Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea paupera Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea philippioides H.Perrier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea pitardii Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea platyphylla Pax Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea pobeguinii Berhaut Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea poggei Pax Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea pulvinata M.G.Gilbert Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea pumilio Domin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea repens (Forssk.) Asch. & Schweinf. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea repens Asch. & Schw. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea rheophytica Cheek Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea rhodesica Suess. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea robbairea (Kuntze) Greuter & Burdet Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea robusta (Pit.) G.Kunkel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea rosulans (Gagnep.) Gagnep. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea rubioides H.Perrier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea rupicola Pomel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea smithii Link Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea somalensis Engl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea spicata Wight ex Arn. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea spirostylis F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea staminodina F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea stellata (Willd.) DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea stellata Chev. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea stylosa Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea sumbana K.Bakker Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea synandra F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea tenax Cowie Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea teneriffae Lam. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea tenuifolia (Willd.) DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea tenuis Webb ex Christ Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea tenuistyla Turrill Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polycarpaea thymoidea Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea timorensis K.Bakker Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea triloba Ewart & Cookson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea ventiversa M.G.Gilbert Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea violacea Benth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea wiestiana C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polycarpaea zollingeri (Fenzl) K.Bakker Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23


The Plant List includes 201 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Polycarpaea. Of these 19 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 11 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Polycarpaea. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 201 species names for the genus Polycarpaea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 19 9.5%
Synonym 51 25.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 131 65.2%

All names

The status of the 212 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Polycarpaea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 21 9.9%
Synonym 60 28.3%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 131 61.8%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 201 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Polycarpaea, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 19 45 0 0 64 31.8%
Low confidence 0 6 0 131 137 68.2%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Polycarpaea is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 8 13 0 3 0 24 11.9%
WCSP (in review) 11 38 0 128 0 177 88.1%