The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Hypochaeris is in the family Compositae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Hypochaeris

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Hypochaeris acaulis Britton Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris achyrophorus L. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris aetnensis Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris alba Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris albiflora (Kuntze) Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris alpina Nyman Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris amplexicaulis (S.G.Gmel.) Bobrov Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris andina (DC.) Reiche Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris angustifolia (Litard. & Maire) Maire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris anwandteri Phil. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris apargioides Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris arachnoidea DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris arachnoides Poir. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris arenaria Gaudich. Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris ascendens Walp. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris atlantica Sennen & Mauricio Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris balbisii Mauri Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris boscoi Sennen Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris brevicaulis Phil. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris caespitosa Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris catharinensis Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris chillensis (Kunth) Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris chillensis (Kunth) Britton Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris chondrilloides (A.Gray) Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris chrysantha (DC.) ex B.D.Jacks. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris chubutensis Bortiri Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris ciliata (Thunb.) Makino Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris clarionoides (J.Rémy) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris claryi Batt. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris × confusa Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris confusa Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris crepidioides (Miyabe & Kudô) Tatew. & Kitam. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris cretensis (L.) Bory & Chaub. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris cupressorum F.Phil. Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris deserticola Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris dimorpha Ten. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris dolosa Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris × dolosa Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris dubia Mart. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris echegarayi Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris elata (Wedd.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris erccta Larrañaga Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris erecta Larrañaga Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris eremophila Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris eriolaena (Sch.Bip.) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris foliosa (Phil.) Reiche Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris gayana (DC.) Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris glabra L. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris glabra E.Mey. ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris glabrata (Phil.) Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris glacialis Werdermann Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris glauxus Phil. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris graminea Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris graminifolia Hieron. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris grandidentata (Phil.) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris grandiflora Gilib. Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris grisebachii Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris helvetica Wulfen Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris hirsuta DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris hirta Cyr. ex Colla Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris hirta Gaertn. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris hispidula Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris hohenackeri (Sch.Bip.) Domke Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris incana (Hook. & Arn.) Macloskie Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris jussieui (Sch.Bip.) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris laciniosa Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris laevigata (L.) Ces. & al. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris lechleri Phil. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris leontodontoides Ball Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Hypochaeris lessingii (Sch.Bip.) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris leucantha Macloskie Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris linearifolia Moris Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris lutea (Vell.) Britton Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris maculata L. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Hypochaeris magellanica (Sch.Bip.) Baker Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris magellanica (Sch.Bip.) Macloskie Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris megapotamica Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris melanolepis Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris meyeniana (Walp.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Griseb. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris microcephala (Sch.Bip.) Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris × microcephala (Sch.Bip.) Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris montana (Phil.) Reiche Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris montana Hill Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris mucida Domke Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris nahuelbutae Phil. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Hypochaeris nahuelvutae Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris neopinnatifida Azevêdo-Gonç. & Matzenb. Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris oligocephala (Svent. & Bramwell) Lack Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris pallescens Dahlst. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris palustris Macloskie Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris palustris (Phil.) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris palustris (Phil.) De Wild. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris pampasica Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris parvifolia J. Koster Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris patagonica Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris petiolaris (Hook. & Arn.) Griseb. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris pilosa Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris pinnatifida Aucher ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris procumbens Larrañaga Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris pyrenaica Sennen Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris quitensis Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris radiata Falk Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris radicata L. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11 2
Hypochaeris robertia (Sch.Bip.) Fiori Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris rutea Talavera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris rutea Talavera Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris sagittata Phil. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris saldensis Batt. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris salzmanniana DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Hypochaeris schischkinii Gorschk. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris schizoglossa Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris schmalhausenii C.Winkl. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris scorzonerae (DC.) F.Muell. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris selloi Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris serioloides Bertol. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris sessiliflora Kunth Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris setigera Sennen Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris setosa Formánek Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris shermanum Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris sichorioides Larrañaga Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris sonchoides Bertero ex Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris soratensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris spathulata (J.Rémy) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris taltalensis Reiche Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris taraxacifolia (Sch.Bip.) Baker Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris taraxacoides (Walp.) Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris taraxacoides (Meyen & Walp.) Ball Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris taraxicoides Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tenerifolia Macloskie Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tenerifolia Dusén Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tenerifolia Reiche Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tenerifolius O.Hoffm. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tenuiflora (Boiss.) Boiss. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tenuifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Trev. ex Griseb. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris thermarum Phil. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris thrincioides (J.Rémy) Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris toltensis Reiche Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris tropicalis Cabrera Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris uniflora Vill. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Hypochaeris variegata (Lam.) Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1


The Plant List includes 432 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Hypochaeris. Of these 85 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 144 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Hypochaeris. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 432 species names for the genus Hypochaeris recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 85 19.7%
Synonym 286 66.2%
Unplaced 1 0.2%
Unassessed 60 13.9%

All names

The status of the 576 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Hypochaeris recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 87 15.1%
Synonym 424 73.6%
Unplaced 1 0.2%
Unassessed 64 11.1%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 432 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Hypochaeris, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 80 183 0 0 263 60.9%
Low confidence 5 103 1 60 169 39.1%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Hypochaeris is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
TICA 84 286 1 60 0 431 99.8%
Tropicos 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.2%