The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Polygala is in the family Polygalaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Polygala

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Polygala abbreviata Markötter Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala aboriginum Small Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala abreui Marques & J.F.B.Pastore Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala abyssinica R.Br. ex Fresen. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala acanthoclada A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala acarnanica (Chodat) Kožuharov & Petrova Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala acerosa E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala acicularis Oliv. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aculeata Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala acuminata Willd. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala acutifolia Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala acutifolia L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala acutifolia Torr. & A.Gray Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala adamsonii Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala adenophora DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala adenophylla A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala adoensis Hochst. ex A.Rich. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala adpressa Steud. ex Stahl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala adscendens E.D.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aethiopica Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala affinis DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala afra Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala africana Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala agnipila Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala alata Galushko Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala alba Nutt. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala albicoma Arechav. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala albida Schinz Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala albowiana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala albowii Kem.-Nath Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala alfredi Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala alpestris Rchb. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 2
Polygala alphonsii Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala alpicola Rupr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala alpina (DC.) Steud. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala altomontana Lüdtke, Boldrini & Miotto Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amambayense Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amaniensis Gürke ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amara L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala amarella Crantz Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ambigens S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ambigua Nutt. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala amblyptera F.W.Schultz Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amblyptera Rchb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amboniensis Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala americana Mill. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala amoena Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amoenissima Tamamsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala amphothrix S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala anatina Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala anatolica Boiss. & Heldr. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala andensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala anderssonii B.L. Rob. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala andongensis Chiov. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala andreana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala andringitrensis Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala angolensis Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala angulata DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala angustata Schur Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ankaratrensis H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala annectens S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala antillensis Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala antunesii Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aparinoides Hook. & Arn. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aphrodisiaca Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aphylla A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala apiculata Porta Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala apodanthera S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala apopetala Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala apparicioi Brade Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala appendiculata Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala appressa Benth. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala appressipilis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala aquitanica Clavaud Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arabica Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arabica Edgew. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arcuata Hayata Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ardisioides Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ardisioides Craib Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arenaria Willd. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arenaria Oliv. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala arenicola Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala argentea Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala argentinensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ariadnae Bernardi Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arillata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala arizonae Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala arnottiana Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala arvensis Willd. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala arvicola Bojer Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala asbestina Burch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala aschersoniana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aspalata A.St.-Hil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aspalatha L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala asperifolia Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala asperuloides Kunth Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala atacorensis Jacq.-Fél. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala atropurpurea A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala attenuata Hook. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala attenuata Lodd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala attenuata Nutt. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala aurata Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala australis A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala autrani Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala babingtonii Druce Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala baccifera Sessé & Moc. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala badensis K.F.Schimp. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala baetica Willk. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bahamensis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bahiensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala baikiei Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bakeriana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala balansae Coss. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala balduinii Nutt. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala ballii Nyman Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala barbellata S.K. Chen Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala barbeyana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bariensis Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala barthiana Fuss Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala basaltica Lamotte Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala baumii Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bawanglingensis F.W. Xing & Z.X. Li Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bellidifolia Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bennae Jacq.-Fél. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bennettii Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala berlandieri S.Watson Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bermudensis S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala berteroana DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bevilacquae Marques Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bicornis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bicornis H.Perrier Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala biformipilis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala birmanica Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala blakeana Steyerm. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala blanchetii Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala blepharotropis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bocainensis Brade Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala boissieri Coss. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bolbothrix Dunn Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala boliviensis A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bomiensis S.K. Chen & J.A.N. Parnell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bonariensis Grondona Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bonavisio Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bosniaca Murb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bowkeriae Harv. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala boykinii Nutt. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brachiata Rchb. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala brachistachyos Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala brachyanthema S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brachypetala Wallr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala brachyphylla Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brachypoda Tod. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala brachyptera Griseb. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brachysepala S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brachytropis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bracteata A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bracteoglandulosa Chodat ex Grondona Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bracteolata L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brandegeeana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brandegeeanum Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala brasiliensis L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala brevialata Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala brevifolia Nutt. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala britteniana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala bryoides A. St.-Hil. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala buchenaui O.Hoffm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala bukobensis Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala burmanni DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala burmanni Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala butyracea Heckel Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala buxifolia Kunth Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala buxiformis Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala caerulescens S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala caespitosa T.Nees Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala calcarea F.W.Schultz Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala californica Nutt. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala calliptera Rouy & Foucaud Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala callispora Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala calvipes Schltdl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala calycina C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala campestris Gardner Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala capillaris E.Mey. ex Harv. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala capillaris E. Mey. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala capillifolia Desf. ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala capitata Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala capitata Sessé & Moc. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cardiocarpa Kurz Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala caripensis Turcz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala carlotina E.H.L.Krause Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala carmichaelii Harv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala carnosa Mukerjee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala carnosicaulis W.H. Chen & Y.M. Shui Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala carpatica Woł. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala carphoides Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala carueliana (A.W.Benn.) Caruel Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala carunculatum Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala caterviflora Craib Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala caucasica Rupr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala caudata Rehder & E.H. Wilson Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala caurensis Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ceciliana Marques & J.F.B.Pastore Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala celosioides A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cernua Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cernua Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cestrifolia A.St.-Hil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ceylanica B.Heyne ex Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala chamaebuxus L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala chamaecyparis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala chamaepitys Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala chapmanii Torr. & A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala chevalieri Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala chiapensis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala chinensis L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 2
Polygala chloroptera Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala chuiti Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ciliolata Harv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cineraria Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cinerea DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cipoensis Brade Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cisandina Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala citrina Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala claessensii Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala clarkeana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala clavipes Walp. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala clutioides Burch. ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cneorum A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala coelosioides Mart. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala coerulea Miégev. ex Rchb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala collina Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala commutata Sweet Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala comosa Schkuhr Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala compacta Rose Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala compressa H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala conferta A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala confusa MacOwan Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala congesta Rehder & E.H.Wilson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala congestiflora I.M.Johnst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala congoensis Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala coniicarpa Hance Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala conosperma Bojer Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala conzattii Rose Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala corallicola Small Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala corbariensis Rouy & Foucaud Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cordifolia Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala coriacea A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala coridifolia C. Presl Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala corifolia Triana & Planch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cornuta Kellogg Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala corralitae Tombesi & R.Kiesling Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala coryfolia Müll.Berol. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala corymbosa Michx. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala corymbosa Nutt. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala costaricensis Chodat ex T.Durand & Pittier Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala coursiereana Pomel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cowellii (Britton) S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala crenata C.W. James Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala crinita Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala crista-galli Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cristata P. Taylor Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala crotalarioides Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala crotalloides Roxb. ex Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala crucianelloides DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cruciata L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala cryptantha Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cubensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cucullata Newb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cucullata Benth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cuneata (Griseb.) S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala curtissii A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cuspidata DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cuspidulata S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cyanolopha Hance Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cymosa Walter Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala cymosurus Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cynosurus Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala cyparissias A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala darwiniana A.W. Benn. Accepted L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dasanensis Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dasyphylla Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala decaisnei Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala decidua S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala decipiens Besser Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala declinata (Harv.) Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala declinata E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala decumbens A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala deflorata Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dekindtii Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala densifolia A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala densiracemosa Lüdtke & Miotto Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala densiuscula Rouy & Foucaud Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala depauperata Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala depressa Wender. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala desiderata Speg. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dewevrei Exell Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dhotarica Baker Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dichotoma Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dictyoptera Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala didyma C.Y. Wu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dietrichiana D.Dietr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala diffusa A.Dietr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dimorphophylla S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dispar Ghaz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala disperma Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala distans A.St.-Hil. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala djalonensis Chev. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala djalonis A.Chev. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dodii Schltr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala doerfleri Hayek Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dolichocarpa S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala donii Hook.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dregeana C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala duarteana A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dubia Dumort. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dubia E.H.L.Krause Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dukei Barringer Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dumosa Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dunensis Dumort. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dunniana H. Lév. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dunnii Panigrahi Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala duparciana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala dura Wight ex Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala durantiana A. St.-Hil. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala durbanensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala dusenii Norl. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala echinosperma Görts Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala eckloniana Lehm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala eckloniana C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala edmundii Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala edumea Zohary Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala effusa Paiva & Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ehlersii Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala elegans Wall. ex Royle Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ellenbeckii Gürke ex Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala elliotii Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala elongata Klein ex Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala emirnensis Baker Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala emoryi S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala empetrifolia Houtt. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala engleri Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala engleriana Buscal. & Muschl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ephedroides Burch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ephemera Chodat ex Urb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala equisetoides A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ericaefolia DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ericifolia Harv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ericifolia DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ericoides Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ericoides Burm.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala eriocephala F.Muell. ex Benth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala erioptera DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala erlangeri Gürke ex Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala erubescens E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala erubescens Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala esterae Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala eumekes Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala eutaxioides Turcz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala evolvulacea Barneby Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala exasperata Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala exelliana Troupin Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala exigua A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala exilis DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala exserta S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala exsquarrosa Adema Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala extraaxillaris Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala fallax Hemsl. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala fastigiata Nutt. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala fatua Wallr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala fendleri Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala fernandesiana Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ficalhoana Exell & Mendonça Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala figariana Webb Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala filifera Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala fischeri Gürke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala fishiae Parry Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala flabellata Shuttlew. ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala flabellata Shuttlew. ex A.Gray Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala flagellaria Pav. ex Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala flagellaris Small Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala flavescens DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala floribunda Benth. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala font-queri Pau ex Font Quer Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala fontellana Marques & A.C.A.Aguiar Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala fragilis Paiva Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala franchetii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala francisci Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala friesii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala fruticosa P.J. Bergius Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala furcata Royle Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gabrielae Domin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gagnebiniana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala galapageia Hook. f. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala galeottii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala galioides Poir. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala galpinii Hook. f. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ganguelensis Exell & Mendonça Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala garcinii DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gardneriana A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gawenensis Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gayii A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gazensis Baker f. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala genistoides Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala genistopsis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gerardiana Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gerrardii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gigantea Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gilletiana E.M.A. Petit Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gilletii Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala glabra B.Heyne ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glacialis Brügger Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glandulosa Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glandulosa Kunth Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glauca E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glaucescens Royle Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glaucescens Royle ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glaucescens Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glaucocarpa Ridl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glaucoides Wight Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala glaucoides L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glaziovii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala globosa Pohl ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala globulifera Dunn Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala glochidiata Kunth Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala glumacea Sm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gnidioides Willd. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala goetzei Gürke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gomesiana Welw. ex Oliv. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gondarensis Chiov. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gossweileri Exell & Mendonça Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala goudahensis Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gracilenta Burtt Davy Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gracilipes Harv. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gracillima S.Watson Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala graminifolia Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala grandidieri Baill. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala grandiflora Walter Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala grandifolia A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala grandis Pall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala grandis auct. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala granulata Hochst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala grazielae Marques Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala greveana Baill. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala grondonae Zuloaga & Morrone Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala grossheimii Kem.-Nath. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala guantanamana S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala guaranitica Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala guatemalensis A.W.Benn. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala guerichiana Engl. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala guimaraensis Brade Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala guineensis Willd. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gundelsheimeri K.Koch Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gymnoclada MacOwan Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala gypsophila Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala gypsophiloides C.Presl ex Willk. & Lange Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hagerupii Exell Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hainanensis Chun & F.C. How Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hamarensis Thulin & Raimondo Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala harleyi Marques Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala harperi Small Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala harveyana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hatschbachii Brade Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hebantha Benth. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hebecarpa DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hebeclada DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hecatantha Urb. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala helenae Greuter Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala heliostigma Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hemipterocarpa A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hennigii Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala herbiola A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala × heribaudii Sennen Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala heterophylla Scheele Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala heteroptera A.W.Benn. ex Kuntze Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala heterorhyncha (Barneby) T. Wendt Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala heterotricha Zipp. ex Span. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala heyneana Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hickeniana Grondona Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hieronymi Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hilariana Endl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hildebrandtii Baill. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hintonii S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hirsuta A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hirsutula Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hispanica Sennen Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hispida Burch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hispidula C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hoehneana Grondona Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hohenackerana Fisch. & C.A. Mey. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala homblei Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hondoensis Nakai Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hondurana Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala honduranum Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hongkongensis Hemsl. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hookeri Torr. & A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hostmanni Miq. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala hottentotta C. Presl Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala houtboshiana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala huberiana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hugeri Small Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala huillensis Welw. ex Oliv. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala humbertii H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala humifusa Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala humilis Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala humilis Span. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hyalina Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala × hybrida Brügger Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hyemalis Raf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hygrophila Kunth Accepted L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hygrophiloides S.Moore Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hypericoides Webb Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hypoglauca Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hyssopifolia A.St.-Hil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala hyssopifolia Bojer Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ignatii Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ilheotica Wawra Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala illepida ex Harv. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala × ilseana Graebn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala imbricata Hayek Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala inaequiloba Turcz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala incarnata L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala inexpectata Peșmen & Erik Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala insignis Klotzsch Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala insipida Rchb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala insubrica Gremli Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala intermedia Eichw. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala intermedia Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala intermedia DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala intermontana T. Wendt Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala intricata S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala involutiflora Lamotte Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala iranica Hausskn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala irregularis Boiss. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala irwinii Wurdack Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala isaloensis H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala isingii Pedley Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala isocarpa Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala itatiaiae Wawra Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala jablotzkiana Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala jacobii Chandrab. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala jaliscana S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala jamaicensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala jamesii Raf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala javana DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala javanica Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala jefensis W.H. Lewis Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala jujuyensis Grondona Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala juncea A.St.-Hil. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala juncoides Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala juniperifolia Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala juniperina Cav. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala juniperoides Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kagerensis Lebrun & Taton Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala kajii Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kalaxariensis Schinz Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala karensium Kurz Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala kasikensis Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala kassasii Chrtek Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala katangensis Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala kaxalariensis Schinz ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kerneri Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kerrii Craib Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala khasiana Hassk. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala kilimandjarica Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala kilimandscharica Engl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kisantuensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kleinii Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala koi Merr. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala × kotovii Val.N.Tikhom. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kradungensis H.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala krugii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala krumanina Burch. ex Ficalho & Hiern Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kunzei Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kurdica C.C.Towns. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kuriensis A.G.Mill. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala kurtzii A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala kyoukmyoungensis Mukerjee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lacei W. G. Craib Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lactiflora Paiva & Brummitt Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala laeta Brandegee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala laevigata E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lagoana A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lanata E.Mey. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lancifolia A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lancilimba Merr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala langebergensis Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala laotica Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lasiopoda C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lasiosepala Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lasseniana A.Heller Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala latipetala N.E.Br. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala latistyla Pendry Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala latouchei Franch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala laureola A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala laxa Mart. ex Spreng. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala laxifolia Exell Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lecardii Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala leendertziae Burtt Davy Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lehmanniana Eckl. & Zeyh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lejeunii Boreau Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lensei Boreau Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lentiana Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala leptolopha Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala leptophylla Burch. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala leptorhiza DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala leptosperma Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala leptostachys Shuttlew. ex A.Gray Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala leucantha A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala leucothyrsa Woronow Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala levynsiana Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lewtonii Small Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lhunzeensis C.Y. Wu & S.K. Chen Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ligularis Ker Gawl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ligularis Spreng. ex Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ligustroides A.St.-Hil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lijiangensis C.Y. Wu & S.K. Chen Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala limae Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala linarifolia Willd. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala linariifolia Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lindheimeri A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala lindmaniana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linearis Hook.f. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linearis B.Heyne ex Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linearis E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linearis Lag. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linearis R.Br. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala liniflora Boj. ex Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala linifolia Scheele Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linifolia Hook.f. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linkiana Sweet Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala linoides Poir. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lioranii Jord. ex Lamotte Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala livingstoniana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala loanzensis Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lonchophylla Greene Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala longa S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala longeracemosa H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala longicaulis Kunth Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala longifolia Poir. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala longiloba S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala longipes S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lorentziana Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala loureri Gardner & Champ. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lozanii Rose Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lucida A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ludwigiana Eckl. & Zeyh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala luenensis Paiva Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lusitanica Welw. ex Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala lutea L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala luteo-alba Gagnep. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala luteo-viridis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lycopodioides Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala lysimachiifolia Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala macowaniana Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macradenia A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala macrantha Turcz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macrobotrya Domin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macrolophos Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macroneura Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macropetala Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macrophylla D.Dietr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macrophylla Mart. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala macroptera DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala macrostachya Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala macrostigma Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala madagascariensis O. Hoffm. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala magdalenae Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala magna Georgi Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala major Jacq. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala makaschwilii Kem.-Nath. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala malesiana Adema Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala malmeana Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mandonii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala mannii Oliv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala marajorra Huber Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala maravillasensis Correll Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala marensis Burtt Davy Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala mariamae Tamamsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mariana Mill. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala maritima Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala marquesiana J.F.B.Pastore & T.B.Cavalc. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala martiana A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala martii DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala martinellii Marques & E.F.Guim. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mascatensis Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mathusiana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala matogrossensis J.F.B.Pastore Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala matteiana Pamp. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala maxima Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mcvaughii T.Wendt Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mediterranea Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala melilotoides Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala membranacea (Miq.) Görts Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala mendoncae E.Petit Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala meonantha Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala merenskiana Dinter Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala meridionalis Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala messambuziensis Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala mexicana Moc. ex Cav. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala meyeriana C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala michaletii Gren. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala michoacana B.L. Rob. & Seaton Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala microcarpa Gaudin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala microlopha Burch. ex DC. Accepted L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala microphylla L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala microptera A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala microspora S.F.Blake Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala microtricha S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala millspaughiana Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala minima Pohl ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala minuta Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala minutiflora C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala minutifolia Rose Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala misella Bernardi Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala missurica Raf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala modesta Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala modesta Miq. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala moggii Raffaelli, Mosti & Tardelli Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala molluginifolia A.St.-Hil. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala molluginifolia A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala monninoides Kunth Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala monodonta Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala monosperma A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala monspeliaca L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mooneyi M.G.Gilbert Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala moquiniana A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala moriana Brittinger Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala morisiana Rchb.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mossamedensis Paiva Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mossii Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala mucronata Baker Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mucronata Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mucronata A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala muhlenbergii G.Don Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala multibracteata Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala multicaulis Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala multicaulis Tausch Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala multiceps Mart. ex A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala multiflora Poir. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala multifurcata Mildbr. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala munbyana Boiss. & Reut. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala mundiana Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala muraltioides Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala murati Jacq.-Fél. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala muscoides Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala mutabilis Dumort. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala myriantha Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala myrtifolia L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala myrtilloides Willd. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala myrtillopsis Welw. ex Oliv. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala myrtillopsis Welw. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala myurus Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nambalensis Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nana DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala natalensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nathadzeae A.I.Kuth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala negevensis Danin Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala neglecta MacOwan Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nelsonii Rose Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nematocaulis Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nematophylla Exell Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nemoralis A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nemorivaga Pomel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nemorosa Willd. ex Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala neomexicana Wooton & Standl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala neurocarpa Brandegee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nicaeensis Risso ex W.D.J.Koch Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 7
Polygala nilotica Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nitens Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nitida Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala nivea Miégev. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nodiflora Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala northorpiana R.N.Banerjee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala noucherensis Cambess. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nova Boissieu Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nubica Hochst. ex Oliv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nubica Hochst. ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nudata Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nudicaulis A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala numidica Pomel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nutans Hook.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nutkana DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nutkana Torr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala nyikensis Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oaxacana Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oaxacanum Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oberthueri Sennen Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala obovata A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala obscura Benth. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala obtusata DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala obtusissima Hochst. ex Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oedipus Speg. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oedophylla S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ohlendorfiana Eckl. & Zeyh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oleifera Backer Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oleifolia A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oligantha A.Rich. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oligosperma C.Y. Wu Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oliveriana Exell & Mendonça Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala omissa Bal.-Tul. & P.Herrera Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oophylla S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala opaca Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ophiura Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala opima Wurdack Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala orbicularis Benth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oreophila Speg. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oreotrephes B.L.Burtt Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala orientalis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala orobus Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala orthostigma Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala orthotricha S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ourolopha Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ovalis E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ovata Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ovatifolia A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oxyantha Phil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oxyococcoides Desf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oxyphylla DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala oxyrhinchos Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala oxyrhyncos Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pachyrrhiza Casar. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pallida E.Mey. ex Harv. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pallida E. Mey. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala palmeri S. Watson Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala paludicola Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala palustris Lace Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala panamensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala paniculata L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala papilionacea Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pappeana Eckl. & Zeyh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala papuana (Steenis) Meijden Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala parietaria Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala parkeri Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala parrasana Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala parryi A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala parva Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala parviflora Rchb.f. ex Nyman Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala parviflora Loisel. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala parvula Phil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala patagonica Phil. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pauciflora Schltr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pauciflora Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pauciflora Muhl. ex Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala paucifolia Willd. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pauciramosa J.F.B.Pastore & T.B.Cavalc. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala paulayana Vierh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala paulistana Grondona Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pavonii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala × pawlowskii Rothm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pearcei A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pearsonii Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pedemontana E.P.Perrier & B.Verl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pedicellaris A.St.-Hil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pedicellata S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala peduncularis Burch. ex DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pedunculosa Thwaites Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pellucida Lace Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala penaea L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pennellii S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala peplis Baill. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala perdurans Pendry Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala perennis Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala perophylla Pohl ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala perrieri Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala persicariifolia DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala × persimilis Beck Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala persistens A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala peruviana A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala peshmenii Eren, Parolly, Raus & Kürschner Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala petalantha Mart. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala petitiana A.Rich. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala petraea Schinz Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala phoenicistes S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala phrygia Boiss. & Balansa Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala piauhiensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pilifera Hoffmanns. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala piliophora S.F.Blake Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pinnata Burm.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala plagioptera Linden & Planch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala planellasi Molinet & M. Gómez Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala platycarpa Benth. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala platyptera Bornm. & Gauba Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pleioclada Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala poaya Mart. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pobequinii A. Chev. & Jacq.-Fél. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala podolica DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala poggei Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pohliana A.St.-Hil. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala polifolia C. Presl Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala polyedra Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala polygama Walter Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala polygoniflora Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala polymorpha Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala polyphylla DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ponsii Sennen Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pottebergensis Levyns Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala praetermissa Thulin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala praetervisa Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala praticola Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala preslii Spreng. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pretzii Pennell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala procumbens Roth Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala producta N.E. Br. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala prostrata Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pruinosa Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudoalpestris Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudoalpestris Rouy & Foucaud Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudocoelosioides Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudocoriacea Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudoerica A.St.-Hil. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudoerica A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pseudogarcini Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudohebeclada Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudohospita (Tamamsch.) Tamamsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudojuncea Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudosenega Bertol. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudosericea Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pseudostricta Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pseudovariabilis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pterocarya Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pterolopha Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pteropoda H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala puberula Andersson Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala puberula Mart. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala puberula A.Gray Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pubescens Rhode ex Mutel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pubescens Mart. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pubescens Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pubescens Muhl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pubescens Schltdl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pubiflora Burch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pulchella A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pulchra Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pulchra Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pumila Norlind Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala punctata A.W.Benn. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala punctata Hieron. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala punctifera S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala punctulata Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala punctulata Hochst. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pungens Burch. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala purpurea W.T.Aiton Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala purpurea Nutt. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala purpusii Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala pycnophylla Domin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pycnophylla Brandegee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pyroloides Gagnep. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala pyxophylla Rchb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala quadrangula C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala quinqueangularis Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala quinqueflora Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala quitensis Turcz. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala racemosa S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala raddiana A.St.-Hil. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala radlkoferi Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ramaswamiana Mukerjee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ramosa Elliott Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ramosior (Nash ex B.L. Rob.) Small Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ramosissima Cav. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ramulosa Boiss. & Balansa Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala raoi R.N.Banerjee & L.K.Banerjee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rarifolia DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rausiana U.Raabe, Kit Tan, Iatroú, Vold & Parolly Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala recognita Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala recta C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rectipilis S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala recurvata Čelak. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala reducta S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala refracta DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rehmannii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala reinii Franch. & Sav. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala remansoense Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala remansoensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala remota A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala repens Mérat ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala reptans Chevall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala resedoides A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala resendeana Paiva Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala resinosa S.K. Chen Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala restiacea E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala reticulata J.Presl & C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala retifolia S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala retusa Hochst. ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala retusa Hochst. ex Oliv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala revoluta Gardner Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala reynoldsiae Chapm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rhinanthoides Sol. ex Benth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rhinostigma Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rhodoptera Mart. ex A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rhynchosperma S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rhysocarpa S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rigens Burch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rigens Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rigens E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rigida A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rimulicola Steyerm. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala riograndensis R. Ludtke & Miotto Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala riparia Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala riukiuensis Ohwi Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rivinifolia Kunth Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rivularis Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala robinsonii S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala robsonii Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala robusta Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rodrigueana Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rogeri Oertz. ex Ten. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rojasii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rosea Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rosea Gren. & Godr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rosea Desf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rosei Hicken Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rosmarinifolia Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rosmarinifolia Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rossica Kem.-Nath. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rostrata Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rothiana Wight & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rottleriana Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rotundifolia Gilib. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala roubienna A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rubella Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rubiifolia Chodat ex Grondona Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ruderalis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rufa Span. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rugelii Shuttlew. ex A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rugosa Raf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rupestris Pourr. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala rupicola Hochst. & Steud. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala rusbyi Greene Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala russelliana S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ruwenzoriensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sabuletorum Skottsb. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sabulosa A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sadebeckiana Gürke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala saginoides Griseb. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala salasiana Gay Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala salicina Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala saltelis Rouy & Foucaud Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala salviniana A.W.Benn. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sanariapoana Steyerm. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sancta-luciae Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sancti-georgii Riley Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sanguinea L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sansisbarensis Gürke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala santacruzensis Grondona Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala santanderensis Killip & Steyerm. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala saprophytica Chodat ex Grondona Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sardoa Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala savannarum Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala saxatilis Desf. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala saxicola Dunn Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala scabra L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala scabra Edgew. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala scandens Vell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schimperi Vatke ex Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schimperi Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schinziana Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schirvanica Grossh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schoenlankii O. Hoffm. & Hildebrandt Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala schreberi Pall. ex Georgi Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schwartziana Paiva Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala schweinfurthii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sciophila Mart. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala scoparia Kunth Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala scoparioides Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala scopulorum Brandegee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala securidaca Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sedoides A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sekhukhuniensis Retief, S.J.Siebert & A.E.van Wyk Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala selaginoides A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala seleri Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala selloi (Spreng.) Bernardi Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala semialata S. Watson Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala seminuda Harv. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala senduaris Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala senega L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala senegambica Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala seneka Hill Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala senensis Klotzsch Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala senneniana Pau Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sennenii Pau Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sennii Chiov. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala septentrionalis Troupin Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sericea A.W. Benn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala serpens S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala serpentaria Eckl. & Zeyh. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala serpillifolia Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala serpyllifolia Hosé Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala serpyllifolia Hose Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala setacea Michx. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sfikasiana Kit Tan Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sherardioides Pohl ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala shinnersii W.H. Lewis Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sibirica L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sickii Brade Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sieboldiana Miq. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sikokiana Nakai Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala silvatica Schltr. & Cham. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala simassan Miq. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala simplex Burch. ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sinaica Botsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sinaloae S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sinaloensis L.Riley Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sincorense Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sincorensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sinensis J.F.Gmel. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala singalensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sinisica Arrigoni Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sinuata Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sipapoana Wurdack Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala × skrivanekii Podp. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala smallii R. R. Sm. & D.B. Ward Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala smithii S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala socotrana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala solieri Gay Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala somaliensis Baker Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sophiae Kem.-Nath. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sosnowskyi Kem.-Nath. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sparsiflora Small Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sparsiflora Oliv. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sparsifolia Oliv. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala spartioides Burch. ex Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala spathulata Griseb. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala spectabilis DC. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala spergulaefolia A. St.-Hil. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sphaerocephala Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala sphenoptera Fresen. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala spicata Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala spilophylla Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala spinescens Gillies ex Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala spruceana A.W.Benn. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala spuria Steven ex Ledeb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala squamifolia C. Wright ex Griseb. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala stenocarpa S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stenocaulon Grondona Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stenoclada Benth. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stenopetala Klotzsch Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18 1
Polygala stenophylla A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala steudeliana Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala steudneri Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala stipitata Chodat & S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala stipulacea L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stipulacea Burch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stipulacea Burm.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stocksiana Boiss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stojanovii Stef. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala straminea C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala striata Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stricta A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala strigulosa Schltdl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala stuhlmannii Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala suanica Tamamsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subalata S. Watson Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala subandina Phil. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala subcaroosa Schinz Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subcollina Landolt Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subdioica H. Perrier Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala subglobosa Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subopposita S.K. Chen Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala subspicata Huber Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subspinosa S. Watson Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala subtilis Kunth Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subulata E.Mey. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subulata Larrañaga Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subuniflora Boiss. & Heldr. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala subverticillata Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala subvirgata Gand. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sulcata Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sulphurea A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sumatrana Miq. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala sumatrana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala supina Schreb. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 2
Polygala szovitsiana Steven ex Rupr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tacianae J.F.B.Pastore & Harley Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tamamschaniae V.I.Dorof. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tamariscca Mart. ex A.W.Benn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tamariscea Mart. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tanganyikensis Troupin Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tatarinowii Regel Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tehuacana Brandegee Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tellezii T.Wendt Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tenella Willd. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tenuicaulis Hook. f. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tenuifolia Willd. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tenuiloba S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tenuis DC. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tenuissima Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tepperi F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala teretifolia L. f. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tetragona Burch. ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tetrasepala Hochst. ex A.Rich. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala texensis B.L. Rob. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala thea Burm.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala theezans L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala thunbergii DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala thuringiaca Spreng. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala thurmanniana Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala thwaitesii Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala thymifolia Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala timbali Legrand Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala timoutoides Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala timoutou Aubl. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala timutu Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tinctoria Vahl Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tisseranta Jac.-Fel. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tisserantii Jacq.-Fél. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tomentosa Rottler ex Mart. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tomentosa Vahl ex DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tomentosa Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tonkinensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala torrei Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala toxoptera Turcz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tranquebarica Wight Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tranquebarica Mart. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala transcaucasica Tamamsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala translucida Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala transsilvanica Schur Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala transvaalensis Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tricholopha Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala trichoptera Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala trichosperma L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala triflora L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala trifurcata Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala trinervata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala triquetra A. Chev. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tuberculata Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala tunetana Murb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala turgida Rose Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala tweedyi Britton ex Wheelock Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ukirensis Gürke Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala ulei Taub. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala uliginosa Rchb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala umbellata L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala umbonata W. G. Craib Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala umbrosa Mart. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala uncinata E. Mey. ex Meissn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala undulata Roxb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala unguiculata Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala uniflora Michx. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala urartu Tamamsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala usafuensis Gürke Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala usambarensis Gürke Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ustulata Chodat Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala vagans Brandegee Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vahliana DC. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vailliantii Besser Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala varians Mart. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vatkeana Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala vauthieri Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vayredae Costa Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala velata S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala velutina C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala venenosa Juss. ex Poir. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala venosa B.Heyne ex Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala ventanensis Grondona Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala venulosa Sm. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala verdickii Gürke ex De Wild. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vergrandis W.H. Lewis Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala veronicea F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala versicolor Willd. ex Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala versicolor Pomel Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala verticillata L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala verviana Lej. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vilcabambae B. Eriksen & B. Ståhl Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala vilhelmii Podp. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala violacea Aubl. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala violoides A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala viridescens L. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala viridis S. Watson Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala vittata Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vollii Brade Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala vulgaris L. Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala wadibomica Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala warmingianna A.W. Benn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala watsonii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wattersii Hance Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala webbiana Coss. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala welwitschii Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23 1
Polygala wenxianensis Y.S. Zhou & Z.X. Peng Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala westii Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wettsteinii Chodat Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala wightiana S.F.Blake Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala wightiana Wall. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala williamsii Böcher, Hjert. & Rahn Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wilmsii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wilsonii Small Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala wistariifolia Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala wittebergensis Compton Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wittei Exell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala woodei Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala woodii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wrightii Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wurdackiana W.H. Lewis Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala wuzhishanensis S.K. Chen & J.A.N. Parnell Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala xanthina Chodat Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala xanti A. Gray Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala xerophytica Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala xyloclada Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala yemenica Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala youngii Exell Accepted M WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala yunnanensis Chodat Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala zablotskiana Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex Turcz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala zacatecana S.F. Blake Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Polygala zahlbruckneri Hayek Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala zahlbruckneri Hayek ex Zahlbr. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala zambesiaca Paiva Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala zeyheri Spreng. ex Eckl. & Zeyh. Unresolved L WCSP (in review) 2012-03-23
Polygala zindae G.A. Black Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18


The Plant List includes 1,573 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Polygala. Of these 623 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 183 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Polygala. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 1,573 species names for the genus Polygala recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 623 39.6%
Synonym 243 15.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 707 44.9%

All names

The status of the 1,756 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Polygala recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 655 37.3%
Synonym 382 21.8%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 719 40.9%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 1,573 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Polygala, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 620 229 0 0 849 54.0%
Low confidence 3 14 0 707 724 46.0%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Polygala is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 464 149 0 29 0 642 40.8%
WCSP (in review) 159 94 0 678 0 931 59.2%