The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Stachytarpheta is in the family Verbenaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Stachytarpheta

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Stachytarpheta × abortiva Danser Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta acuminata DC. ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta × adulterina Urb. & Ekman Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta ajugifolia Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta alata (Moldenke) S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta albiflora DC. ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta alegrensis Loes. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta almasensis Mansf. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta amplexicaulis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta andersonii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta angolensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta arenaria S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta atriflora S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta bicolor Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta boldinghii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta brasiliensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta bromleyana S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta caatingensis S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta cajamarcensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta calderonii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta candida Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta canescens Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta cassiae S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta cayennensis (Rich.) Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta cearensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta coccinea Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta commutata Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta confertifolia Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta crassifolia Schrad. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta dawsonii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta × debilis Danser Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta diamantinensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta discolor Cham. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta elegans Welw. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta fallax A.E.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta frantzii Pol. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta friedrichsthalii Hayek Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta froesii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta fruticosa (Millsp.) B.L.Rob. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta galactea S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta ganevii S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta gesnerioides Cham. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta glabra Cham. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta glandulosa S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta glauca (Pohl) Walp. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta glazioviana S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta × gracilis Danser Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta grisea Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta guedesii S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta harleyi S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta hassleri Briq. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta hatschbachii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta hintonii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta hirsutissima Link Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta hispida Nees & Mart. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta × hybrida Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta hybrida Moldenke Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta indica (L.) Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta integrifolia (Pohl) Walp. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta × intercedens Danser Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta intercedens Danser Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta itambensis S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta kingii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lactea Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lacunosa Mart. ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lacunosa Mart. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta laevis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lanata Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta linearis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta longiflora Turcz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta longispicata (Pohl) S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26 4
Stachytarpheta lopez-palacii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta luisana (Standl.) Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lundellae Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lychnitis Mart. ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta lychnitis Mart. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta lythrophylla Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta macedoi Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta marginata Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta martiana Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta matogrossensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta maximiliani Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta mexiae Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta microphylla Walp. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta miniacea Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta monachinoi Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta mutabilis (Jacq.) Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta orubica (L.) Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta pachystachya Mart. ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta paraguariensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta peruviana Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta petenensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta piranii S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta pohliana Cham. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta polyura Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta procumbens Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta prostrata Glaz. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta puberula (Moldenke) S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta pycnodonta Urb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta quadrangula Nees & Mart. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta quirosana Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta radlkoferiana Mansf. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta restingensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta reticulata Mart. ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta rhomboidalis (Pohl) Walp. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta rivularis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta robinsoniana Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta rupestris S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta scaberrima Cham. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta schottiana Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta sellowiana Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta sericea S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta sessilis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta simplex Hayek Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta spathulata Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta speciosa Pohl ex Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta sprucei Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta stannardii S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta steyermarkii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta straminea Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta strigosa Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta subincisa Turcz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta svensonii Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta tabascana Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta trimeni Rech. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Stachytarpheta × trimenii Rech. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta trinitensis Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta trispicata Nees & Mart. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta tuberculata S.Atkins Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta urticifolia (Salisb.) Sims Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta velutina Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta villosa (Pohl) Cham. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta violacea Miranda Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta viscidula Schauer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26
Stachytarpheta weberbaueri Moldenke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-26


The Plant List includes 252 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Stachytarpheta. Of these 130 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 86 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Stachytarpheta. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 252 species names for the genus Stachytarpheta recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 130 51.6%
Synonym 116 46.0%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 6 2.4%

All names

The status of the 338 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Stachytarpheta recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 134 39.6%
Synonym 197 58.3%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 7 2.1%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 252 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Stachytarpheta, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 129 113 0 0 242 96.0%
Medium confidence 1 3 0 0 4 1.6%
Low confidence 0 0 0 6 6 2.4%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Stachytarpheta is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 1 3 0 6 0 10 4.0%
WCSP 129 113 0 0 0 242 96.0%