The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Hippeastrum is in the family Amaryllidaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Hippeastrum

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Hippeastrum aglaiae (A.Cast.) Hunz. & A.A.Cocucci Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum amaru (Vargas) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum andreanum Baker Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum angustifolium Pax Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum anzaldoi (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum apertispathum (Traub) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum arboricola (Ravenna) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum argentinum (Pax) Hunz. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum aulicum (Ker Gawl.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum aviflorum (Ravenna) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum blossfeldiae (Traub & J.L.Doran) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum brasilianum (Traub & J.L.Doran) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum breviflorum Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum bukasovii (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum caiaponicum (Ravenna) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum calyptratum (Ker Gawl.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum canterai Arechav. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum caupolicanense (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum chionedyanthum (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum condemaitae (Vargas & E.Pérez) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum correiense (Bury) Worsley Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum crociflorum Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum curitibanum (Ravenna) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum cuzcoense (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum cybister (Herb.) Benth. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum damazianum Beauverd Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum divijuliani (Cárdenas) Meerow Accepted M TRO
Hippeastrum divijulianum (Cárdenas) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum doraniae (Traub) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum elegans (Spreng.) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum escobaruriae (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum espiritense (Traub) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum evansiae (Traub & I.S.Nelson) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum ferreyrae (Traub) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum forgetii Worsley Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum fragrantissimum (Cárdenas) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum fuscum Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum gertianum (Ravenna) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum glaucescens (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum goianum (Ravenna) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum guarapuavicum (Ravenna) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum harrisonii (Lindl.) Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum hemographes (Ravenna) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum hugoi (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum iguazuanum (Ravenna) T.R.Dudley & M.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum incachacanum (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum intiflorum (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum kromeri (Worsley) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum lapacense (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum leonardii (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum leopoldii T.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum leucobasis (Ravenna) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum macbridei (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum machupijchense (Vargas) D.R.Hunt Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum mandonii Baker Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum maracasum (Traub) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum marumbiense (Ravenna) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum minasgerais (Traub) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum miniatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum mollevillquense (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum monanthum (Ravenna) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum morelianum Lem. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum nelsonii (Cárdenas) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum oconequense (Traub) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum papilio (Ravenna) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum paquichanum (Cárdenas) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum paradisiacum (Ravenna) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum paranaense (Traub) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum pardinum (Hook.f.) Dombrain Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum parodii Hunz. & A.A.Cocucci Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum petiolatum Pax Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum pilcomaicum (Ravenna) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum psittacinum (Ker Gawl.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum puniceum (Lam.) Voss Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum reginae (L.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum reticulatum (L'Hér.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum rubropictum (Ravenna) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum santacatarina (Traub) Dutilh Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum scopulorum Baker Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum starkiorum (I.S.Nelson & Traub) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum striatum (Lam.) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum stylosum Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum teyucuarense (Ravenna) Van Scheepen Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum traubii (Moldenke) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum umabisanum (Cárdenas) Meerow Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum vanleestenii (Traub) H.E.Moore Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum variegatum (Vargas) Gereau & Brako Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum viridiflorum Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum vittatum (L'Hér.) Herb. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum wilsoniae L.J.Doran & F.W.Mey. Accepted H WCSP
Hippeastrum yungacense (Cárdenas & I.S.Nelson) Meerow Accepted H WCSP


The Plant List includes 235 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Hippeastrum. Of these 91 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 43 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Hippeastrum. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 235 species names for the genus Hippeastrum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 91 38.7%
Synonym 133 56.6%
Unplaced 8 3.4%
Unassessed 3 1.3%

All names

The status of the 278 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Hippeastrum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 91 32.7%
Synonym 176 63.3%
Unplaced 8 2.9%
Unassessed 3 1.1%

Of these names,

The confidence with which the status of the 235 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Hippeastrum, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 90 121 0 0 211 89.8%
Medium confidence 1 10 0 0 11 4.7%
Low confidence 0 2 8 3 13 5.5%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Hippeastrum, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 1 10 0 3 0 14 6.0%
WCSP 90 123 8 0 0 221 94.0%