The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Stevia is in the family Compositae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Stevia

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Stevia achalensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia alatipes B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia alpina Griseb. Accepted M TICA
Stevia alternifolia Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia amambayensis B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia amblyolepis (B.L.Rob.) B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia ammotropha B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia amplexicaulis Hassl. Accepted M TICA
Stevia anadenotricha (B.L.Rob.) Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia apensis B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia aristata D.Don ex Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia aschenborniana Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Stevia baccharifolia B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia balansae Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia berlandieri A.Gray Accepted M TICA
Stevia boliviensis Sch.Bip. ex Griseb. Accepted M TICA
Stevia breviaristata Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia burkartii B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia cajabambensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia caltepecana B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia calzadana B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia camachensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia caracasana DC. Accepted M TICA
Stevia carapariensis Cabrera & Vittet Accepted M TICA
Stevia catharinensis Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia centinelae Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia chamaedrys Griseb. Accepted M TICA
Stevia chiapensis Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia chilapensis Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia cinerascens Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia clausseni Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia clinopodioides Greenm. Accepted M TICA
Stevia coahuilensis Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia commixta B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia congesta Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia connata Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia constricta (Grashoff) "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia cordifolia Benth. Accepted M TICA
Stevia crassicephala Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia crassifolia Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia crenulata Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia cruziana Malme Accepted M TICA
Stevia cruzii Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia cuneata Hassl. Accepted M TICA
Stevia decumbens (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Greene Accepted M TICA
Stevia dictyophylla B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia ecatepecana Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia elatior Kunth Accepted M TICA
Stevia ephemera Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia estrellensis Hassl. ex B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia eupatoria (Spreng.) Willd. Accepted M TICA
Stevia fiebrigii Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia filodecaballoana "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia gardneriana Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia gilliesii Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia glandulosa Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia gratioloides Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia hintonii (Grashoff) B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia hintoniorum B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia hirtiflora Sch.Bip. ex Klotzsch Accepted M TICA
Stevia hypomalaca B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia iltisiana Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia incognita Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia involucrata Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia isomeca Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia jaliscensis B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia jorullensis Kunth Accepted M TICA
Stevia jujuyensis Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia karwinskyana Steud. Accepted M TRO
Stevia lasioclada Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia latifolia Benth. Accepted M TICA
Stevia lehmannii Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia lemmonii (A.Gray) A.Gray Accepted M TICA
Stevia leptophylla Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia liebmannii Sch.Bip. ex Klatt Accepted M TICA
Stevia lilloi B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia linoides Sch.Bip. ex Klotzsch Accepted M TICA
Stevia lita Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia lucida Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia lundiana DC. Accepted M TICA
Stevia macbridei B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia macvaughii Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia maimarensis (Hieron.) Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia mandonii Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Stevia martinii B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia mascotensis Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia melissiaefolia (DC.) Sch. Bip. Accepted M TRO
Stevia melissifolia (DC.) Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Stevia menthaefolia Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Stevia mexicana "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia micradenia B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia micrantha Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia microchaeta Sch.Bip. ex Klotzsch Accepted M TICA
Stevia minor Griseb. Accepted M TICA
Stevia mitopoda B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia monardifolia Kunth Accepted M TICA
Stevia multiaristata Spreng. Accepted L TICA
Stevia myriadenia Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia myricoides McVaugh Accepted M TICA
Stevia nelsonii B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia neurophylla B.L.Rob. & Greenm. Accepted M TICA
Stevia oaxacana Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia obovata Rusby Accepted M TICA
Stevia occidentalis (Grashoff) "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia okadae Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia oligophylla Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia ophiomaches B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia ophryodonta B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia ophryophylla B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia origanoides Kunth Accepted M TICA
Stevia orizabensis B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia ovalis (B.L.Rob.) B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia ovata Willd. Accepted M TICA
Stevia pallida (Sch.Bip.) Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia palmeri A.Gray Accepted M TICA
Stevia parvifolia Hassl. Accepted M TICA
Stevia pelophila S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA
Stevia pereyrae (B.L.Rob.) Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia perfoliata Cronquist Accepted M TICA
Stevia petiolata (Cass.) Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Stevia philippiana Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia phlebophylla A.Gray Accepted M TICA
Stevia pilosa Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia plummerae A.Gray Accepted M TICA
Stevia pohliana Baker Accepted M TICA
Stevia polycephala Bertol. Accepted M TICA
Stevia potosina "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia potrerensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia pratheri B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia puberula Hook. Accepted M TRO
Stevia punctata (Ortega) Pers. Accepted M TRO
Stevia purpusii B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia pyrolaefolia Schltdl. Accepted M TICA
Stevia quiexobra B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA
Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni Accepted M TICA
Stevia regnellii Sch. Bip. Accepted M TRO
Stevia reticulata Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia revoluta B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia rojasii Hassl. Accepted M TICA
Stevia rosei B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia rotundifolia "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia rzedowskii McVaugh Accepted M TICA
Stevia sabulonis B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia salicifolia Cav. Accepted L TICA
Stevia sanguinea Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia satureiifolia Lam. Accepted M TICA
Stevia scabrella Benth. Accepted M TICA
Stevia scabrelloides Soejima & Yahara Accepted M TICA
Stevia schreiteri B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia seemannii Sch.Bip. Accepted M TICA
Stevia seemannioides Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia seleriana B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia selloi (Spreng.) B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia serrata Cav. Accepted M TICA
Stevia spathulata Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia stolonifera Yahara & Soejima Accepted M TICA
Stevia suaveolens Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia subpubescens Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia talpensis Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia tarijensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA
Stevia tenuis Hook. & Arn. Accepted M TICA
Stevia tephra B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia tephrophylla S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA
Stevia tomentosa Kunth Accepted M TICA
Stevia triangularis Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia trifida Lag. Accepted M TICA
Stevia triflora DC. Accepted M TICA
Stevia urceolata Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia vaga Griseb. Accepted M TICA
Stevia velutinella Grashoff Accepted M TICA
Stevia vernicosa Greenm. Accepted M TICA
Stevia veronicae DC. Accepted M TICA
Stevia viejoana "Soejima, Yahara & K.Watan." Accepted M TICA
Stevia villaregalis McVaugh Accepted M TICA
Stevia villaricensis (B.L.Rob.) Cabrera & Vittet Accepted M TICA
Stevia viscida Kunth Accepted L TICA
Stevia weberbaueri B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia westonii R.M.King & H.Rob. Accepted M TICA
Stevia yalae Cabrera Accepted M TICA
Stevia zacatecana McVaugh Accepted M TICA
Stevia zephyrantha Grashoff Accepted M TICA


The Plant List includes 478 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Stevia. Of these 181 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 71 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Stevia. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 478 species names for the genus Stevia recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 181 37.9%
Synonym 105 22.0%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 192 40.2%

All names

The status of the 549 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Stevia recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 191 34.8%
Synonym 160 29.1%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 198 36.1%

Of these names,

The confidence with which the status of the 478 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Stevia, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 178 78 0 0 256 53.6%
Low confidence 3 27 0 192 222 46.4%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Stevia, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
TICA 176 104 0 190 0 470 98.3%
Tropicos 5 1 0 2 0 8 1.7%