The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Cracca is in the family Leguminosae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Cracca

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Cracca acaciifolia (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca aemula (Harv.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca aequilata (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca amoena (E. Mey.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca andongensis (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca ansellii (Hook. f.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca anthyllodes (Hochst. ex Webb) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca apollinea (Delile) Lyons Accepted M TRO
Cracca arabica (Steud.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca argyrotricha (Harms) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca astragalodes (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca barbigera (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca bidwilli (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca brachycarpa (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca brachystachya (DC.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca brunnea (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca calophylla (Bedd.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca capensis (Pers.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca capillipes (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca cathartica (Sessé & Moc.) Rydb. Accepted M TRO
Cracca cephalantha (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca concinna (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca conferta (F. Muell.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca coriacea (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca crocea (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca dasyphylla (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca densiflora (Hook. f.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca dichrocarpa (Steudel ex Hochst.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca dimorphophylla (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca disperma (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca dregeana (E. Mey.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca elegans (Schumach.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca elegantissima (R. J. Shuttlew.) Cadevall & Sallent Accepted M TRO
Cracca elongata (E. Mey.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca emerodes (A. Rich.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca eriocarpa (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca fasciculata (Hook. f.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca flammea (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca flexuosa (G. Don) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca forrestiana (F. Muell.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca fruticosa (DC.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca fulvinervis (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca glomeruliflora (Meisn.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca gracilipes (Guill. & Perr.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca graminifolia (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca heterantha (Griseb.) Harms Accepted M TRO
Cracca hirta (Buch.-Ham.) Britton & P. Wilson Accepted M TRO
Cracca huillensis (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca humilis (Guill. & Perr.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca juncea (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca kirkii (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca kraussiana (Meisn.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca laevigata (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca lamprolobiodes (F. Muell.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca lathyrodes (Guill. & Perr.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca leptoclada (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca leptostachya (DC.) Rusby Accepted M TRO
Cracca linearis (Willd.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca longipes (Meisn.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca macrocarpa (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca melanocalyx (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca mollis (Kunth) Benth. Accepted M TRO
Cracca myrtifolia (DC.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca nana (Kotschy ex Schweinf.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca nematophylla (F. Muell.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca nubica (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca obcordata (Lam. ex Poir.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca oblongata (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca oligophylla (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca oxygona (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca pallens (Dryand. ex Aiton) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca paniculata (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca pedicellata (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca phaecosperma (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca piscatoria (Aiton) Rydb. Accepted M TRO
Cracca platycarpa (Guill. & Perr.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca pogonostigma (Boiss.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca polysperma (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca polystachya (E. Mey.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca polyzyga (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca porrecta (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca pusilla (Thunb.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca radicans (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca remotiflora (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca reptans (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca reticulata (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca richardiana (A. Rich.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca rigida (Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca rigidula (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca rosea (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca secunda (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca semiglabra (Sond.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca simplicifolia (F. Muell. ex Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca sophorodes (DC.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca sphaerosperma (DC.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca spinosa (L. f.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca stuartii (Benth.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca subtriflora (Hochst. ex Baker) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca tenuis (Wall.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca totta (Thunb.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca uniovulata (F. Muell.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca velutina (Spreng.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO
Cracca virginiana (L.) Kuntze Accepted M TRO


The Plant List includes 314 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Cracca. Of these 103 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 9 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Cracca. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 314 species names for the genus Cracca recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 103 32.8%
Synonym 162 51.6%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 49 15.6%

All names

The status of the 323 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Cracca recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 103 31.9%
Synonym 171 52.9%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 49 15.2%

The confidence with which the status of the 314 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Cracca, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 130 0 0 130 41.4%
Medium confidence 103 28 0 0 131 41.7%
Low confidence 0 4 0 49 53 16.9%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Cracca, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
ILDIS 0 131 0 0 0 131 41.7%
Tropicos 103 31 0 6 0 140 44.6%
WCSP (in review) 0 0 0 43 0 43 13.7%