The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Agrostis is in the family Poaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Agrostis

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Agrostis acutiflora (Schrad.) C.C. Gmel. Accepted M TRO
Agrostis adamsonii Vickery Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis aemula R.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis aequata Nees Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis aequivalvis (Trin.) Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis agrostiflora (Beck) Janch. & H.Neumayer Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis alpina Scop. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis ambatoensis Asteg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × amurensis Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis anadyrensis Soczava Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis angrenica (Butk.) Tzvelev Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis arvensis Phil. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis atlantica Maire & Trab. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis australiensis Mez Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis avenacea J.F.Gmel. Accepted L WCSP
Agrostis bacillata Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis balansae (Boiss.) Tzvelev Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis barbuligera Stapf Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis barceloi L.Sáez & Rosselló Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis basalis Luces Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis bergiana Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis berlandieri E.Fourn. ex Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis bettyae S.W.L.Jacobs Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis billardierei R.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × bjoerkmannii Widén Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis blasdalei Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis boliviana Mez Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis boormanii Vickery Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis bourgeaei E.Fourn. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis boyacensis Swallen & Garc.-Barr. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis brachiata Munro ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis brachyathera Steud. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis breviculmis Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis burmanica Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis calderoniae Acosta Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis canina L. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis capillaris L. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis carmichaeli Schult. & Schult.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis castellana Boiss. & Reut. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × castriferrei Waisb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis clavata Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × clavatiformis Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis clemensorum Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis congestiflora Tutin & E.F.Warb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis continuata Stapf Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis curtisii Kerguélen Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis cypricola H.Lindb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis delicatula Pourr. ex Lapeyr. Accepted L WCSP
Agrostis delislei Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis densiflora Vasey Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × dimorpholemma Ohwi Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis divaricatissima Mez Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis drummondiana (Steud.) Vickery Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis dshungarica (Tzvelev) Tzvelev Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis dyeri Petrie Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis elliotii Hook. ex Scott-Elliot Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis elliottiana Schult. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis emirnensis (Baker) Bosser Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis eriantha Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis exarata Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis exserta Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis filipes Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis flaccida Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis foliata Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × fouilladei P.Fourn. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis gelida Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis ghiesberghtii E.Fourn. ex Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis ghiesbreghtii E. Fourn. Accepted M TRO
Agrostis gigantea Roth Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis glabra (J.Presl) Kunth Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis goughensis C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis gracilifolia C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis gracililaxa Franco Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis griffithiana (Hook.f.) Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hallii Vasey Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × hegetschweileri Brügger Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hendersonii Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hesperica Romero García, Blanca, G.López & C.Morales Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hideoi Ohwi Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis himalayana Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hirta Veldkamp Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hissarica Roshev. Accepted M TRO
Agrostis holgateana C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hookeriana C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hooveri Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis howellii Scribn. ex Vasey Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hugoniana Rendle Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis humilis Vasey Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis hygrometrica Nees Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis idahoensis Nash Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis imbecilla Zotov Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis imberbis Phil. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis inaequiglumis Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis inconspicua Kunze Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis infirma Buse Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis insularis Rúgolo & A.M.Molina Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis isopholis C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis jahnii Luces Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis joyceae S.W.L.Jacobs Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis juressii Link Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × kamtschatica Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis keniensis Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis kilimandscharica Mez Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis koelerioides É.Desv. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis kolymensis Kuvaev & A.P.Khokhr. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis korczaginii Senjan.-Korcz. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis lachnantha Nees Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis lacunis D.I.Morris Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis laxissima Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis lazica Balansa Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis lehmannii Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis lenis Roseng. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis leptostachys Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis leptotricha É.Desv. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis liebmannii (E.Fourn.) Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis limitanea J.M.Black Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis longiberbis Hack. ex Lor.B.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis lyallii Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis mackliniae Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis mannii (Hook.f.) Stapf Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis masafuerana Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis media Carmich. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis meionectes Vickery Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis meridensis Luces Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis mertensii Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis merxmuelleri Greuter & H.Scholz Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis meyenii Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis micrantha Steud. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis microphylla Steud. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis minor (Benth.) J.M. Black Accepted M TRO
Agrostis montevidensis Spreng. ex Nees Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis muelleriana Vickery Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis munroana Aitch. & Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × murbeckii Fouill. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis muscosa Kirk Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis musjidii Rajesw., R.R.Rao & Arti Garg Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis myriantha Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis nagensis Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis nebulosa Boiss. & Reut. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis nervosa Nees ex Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis nevadensis Boiss. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis nevskii Tzvelev Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis nipponensis Honda Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis novogaliciana McVaugh Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis obtusissima Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis olympica (Boiss.) Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis oresbia Edgar Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis pallens Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis pallescens Cheeseman Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × paramushirensis Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis parviflora R.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis paulsenii Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis peninsularis Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis personata Edgar Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis petriei Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis philippiana Rúgolo & De Paula Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis pilgeriana C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis pilosula Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis pittieri Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis platensis Parodi Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis plebeia R.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis poeppigiana Phil. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis pourretii Willd. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis preissii (Nees) Vickery Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis producta Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis propinqua S.W.L.Jacobs Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis quinqueseta (Steud.) Hochst. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis reuteri Boiss. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis rosei Scribn. & Merr. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis rossiae Vasey Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis rudis Roem. & Schult. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis rupestris All. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis salsa Korsh. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sandwicensis Hildebr. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis scabra Willd. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis scabrifolia Swallen Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis schaffneri E. Fourn. Accepted M TRO
Agrostis schlechteri Rendle Accepted L WCSP
Agrostis schleicheri Jord. & Verl. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis schmidii (Hook.f.) Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis schneideri Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sclerophylla C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis serranoi Phil. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sesquiflora É.Desv. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sichotensis Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sikkimensis Bor Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sinocontracta S.M.Phillips & S.L.Lu Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sinorupestris L.Liu ex S.M.Phillips & S.L.Lu Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis sodiroana Hack. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis stolonifera L. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis striata Colenso Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × subclavata Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis subpatens Hitchc. Accepted M TRO
Agrostis subrepens (Hitchc.) Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis subulata Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis subulifolia Stapf Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis taliensis Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tandilensis (Kuntze) Parodi Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tateyamensis Tateoka Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis taylorii C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tenerrima Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis thompsoniae S.W.L.Jacobs Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis thurberiana Hitchc. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tibestica Miré & Quézel Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tilenii G.Nieto Fel. & Castrov. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tolucensis Kunth Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis trachychlaena C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis trachyphylla Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis trichoides (Kunth) Roem. & Schult. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis trisetoides Steud. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tsaratananensis A.Camus Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis turrialbae Mez Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis tuvinica Peschkova Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis uliginosa Phil. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis umbellata Colla Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis ushae Noltie Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis × ussuriensis Prob. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis variabilis Rydb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis venezuelana Mez Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis venusta Trin. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis vidalii Phil. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis vinealis Schreb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis virescens Kunth Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis volkensii Stapf Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis wacei C.E.Hubb. Accepted H WCSP
Agrostis wardii Bor Accepted H WCSP


The Plant List includes 1,247 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Agrostis. Of these 228 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 705 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Agrostis. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 1,247 species names for the genus Agrostis recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 228 18.3%
Synonym 880 70.6%
Unplaced 68 5.5%
Unassessed 71 5.7%

All names

The status of the 1,952 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Agrostis recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 242 12.4%
Synonym 1,563 80.1%
Unplaced 68 3.5%
Unassessed 79 4.0%

Of these names,

The confidence with which the status of the 1,247 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Agrostis, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 219 751 0 0 970 77.8%
Medium confidence 6 100 0 0 106 8.5%
Low confidence 3 29 68 71 171 13.7%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Agrostis, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 6 106 0 18 0 130 10.4%
WCSP 222 774 68 53 0 1,117 89.6%