The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Arachnothryx is in the family Rubiaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Arachnothryx

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Arachnothryx aetheocalymna (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx aspera (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx atravesadensis (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx bertieroides (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted L WCSP
Arachnothryx brachytyrsa Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx brenesii (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx breviflora Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx buddleioides (Benth.) Planch. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx calycophylla Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx calycosa (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx capitellata (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx caucana (Standl. ex Steyerm.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx chaconii (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx chimalaparum Lorence ex Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx chimboracensis (Standl.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx chinajensis (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx chiriquiana (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx colombiana (Rusby) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx cooperi (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx cordovana (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx costanensis Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx cupreiflora (K.Schum. & K.Krause) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx darienensis (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx discolor (Kunth) Planch. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx dwyeri (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx educta (Standl. ex Steyerm.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx euryphylla (Standl.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx evansii (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx flocculosa Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx fosbergii Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx garciae Standl. ex Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx ginetteae (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx glabrata (Standl.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx gonzaleoides (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx gracilis (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx gracilispica (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx guerrerensis (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx guettardioides Standl. ex Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx hameliifolia (Dwyer & M.V.Hayden) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx heteranthera (Brandegee) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx hirtinervis Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx hispidula Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx hondurensis (Donn.Sm.) Lorence Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx jurgensenii (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx laniflora (Benth.) Planch. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx latiloba Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx leucophylla (Kunth) Planch. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx lineolata Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx linguiformis (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx linguiloba Borhidi & Diego Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx lojensis Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx macrocalyx (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx manantlanensis (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx megalantha (Lorence) Lorence Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx mexicana (Turcz.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx michoacana Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx monteverdensis (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx monticola Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx myriantha (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx nebulosa (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx nelsonii Lorence Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx nitida (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx ovandensis (Lundell) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx ovata (Rusby) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx pansamalana (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx pauciflora Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx perezii (Standl. ex Steyerm.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx peruviana (Standl.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx povedae (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx purpurea (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx pyramidalis (Lundell) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx reflexa (Benth.) Planch. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx rekoi (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx ricoae (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx rosea Linden Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx rubens (L.O.Williams) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx rufescens (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx rugulosa (Standl.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx rzedowskii (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx scabra (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx scoti (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx secunda (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx secundiflora (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx septicidalis (B.L.Rob.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx sessilis Borhidi & G.Ortiz Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx silvicola (L.O.Williams) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx sinaloae Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx skutchii (Standl. & Steyerm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx sooana Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx sousae Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx spectabilis (Steyerm.) Rova, Delprete & B.Bremer Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx stachyoidea (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx subglabra Borhidi & N.C.Jiménez Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx tabascensis Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx tacanensis (Lundell) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx tayloriae (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx tenorioi (Lorence) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx tenuisepala Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx thiemei (Donn.Sm.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx torresii (Standl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx tuxtlensis (Lorence & Cast.-Campos) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx urophylla (Standl. & L.O.Williams) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx uxpanapensis (Lorence & Cast.-Campos) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx venezuelensis Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx villosa (Hemsl.) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Arachnothryx wendtii (Lorence & Cast.-Campos) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP


The Plant List includes 143 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Arachnothryx. Of these 106 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 11 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Arachnothryx. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 143 species names for the genus Arachnothryx recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 106 74.1%
Synonym 35 24.5%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 2 1.4%

All names

The status of the 154 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Arachnothryx recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 106 68.8%
Synonym 46 29.9%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 2 1.3%

The confidence with which the status of the 143 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Arachnothryx, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 105 31 0 0 136 95.1%
Medium confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Low confidence 1 4 0 2 7 4.9%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Arachnothryx, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.7%
WCSP 106 35 0 1 0 142 99.3%