The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


No plant names match your search for Pabstiella mentigera; we will try Pabstiella instead.

84 plant name records match your search criteria Pabstiella. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Pabstiella alligatorifera (Rchb.f.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella arcuata (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella aryter (Luer) F.Barros Accepted H WCSP
Pabstiella avenacea (Ames) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella aveniformis (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella bacillaris (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella bowmannii (Rchb.f.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella bradei (Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella brenneri Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pabstiella calcarata (Cogn.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella campestris (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella carinifera (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella carrisii (Brade) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella castellensis (Brade) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella cocoraensis Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pabstiella conspersa (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella cordilabia (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella crassicaulis (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella crenata (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella crinita (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella curti-bradei (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella determannii (Luer) F.Barros Accepted H WCSP
Pabstiella dryadum (Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella dutrae (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella elegantula (Cogn.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella ephemera (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella ezechiasi (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella fasciata (Seehawer) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella filiformis (Cogn.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella fluminensis (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella garayi (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella ghillanyi (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella gomesii-ferreirae (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella gonzalezii (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella gracilicaulis (Seehawer) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella hians (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella hymenantha (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella hypnicola (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella leptotifolia (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella leucopyramis (Rchb.f.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella lineolata (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella lingua (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella matinhensis (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella miniatolineolata (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella mirabilis (Schltr.) Brieger & Senghas Accepted H WCSP
Pabstiella miragliae (Leite) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella mouraeoides (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella ornata Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pabstiella parvifolia (Lindl.) Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pabstiella pauloensis (Hoehne & Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella pellifeloidis (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella piraquarensis (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella pleurothalloides (Cogn.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella podoglossa (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella pristeoglossa (Rchb.f. & Warm.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella punctatifolia (Barb.Rodr.) Luer [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella retusa Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pabstiella robertoi (Luer & Toscano) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella rostriflora (Rchb.f.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella rubrolineata (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella ruschii (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella sarcopetala (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella scabrata Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pabstiella sordida (Kraenzl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella sparsiflora (Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella spathuliglossa (Hoehne) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella syringodes (Luer) F.Barros Accepted H WCSP
Pabstiella tabacina (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella tenera (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella transparens (Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella tricolor (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella trifida (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella trimeropetala (Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella tripterantha (Rchb.f.) F.Barros Accepted H WCSP
Pabstiella tripterantha (Rchb. f.) Luer Synonym M TRO
Pabstiella truncicola (Rchb.f.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella uniflora (Lindl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella variegata (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella vellozoana (Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella verboonenii (Luer & Toscano) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella versicolor (Porsch) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella wacketii (Handro & Pabst) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pabstiella yauaperyensis (Barb.Rodr.) F.Barros Accepted H WCSP