The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


21 plant name records match your search criteria Baloghia. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Baloghia alternifolia Baill. Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia anisomera Guillaumin Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia balansae (Baill.) Pax Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia brongniartii (Baill.) Pax Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia buchholzii Guillaumin Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia bureavii (Baill.) Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia carunculata Baill. Synonym H WCSP
Baloghia deplanchei (Baill.) Pax Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia drimiflora (Baill.) Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia inophylla (G.Forst.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia lucida Endl. Synonym H WCSP
Baloghia mackeeana Guillaumin Synonym H WCSP
Baloghia marmorata C.T.White Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia montana (Müll.Arg.) Pax Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia montana var. neohebridensis Airy Shaw Synonym L WCSP
Baloghia neocaledonica (S.Moore) McPherson Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia oligostemon Guillaumin Synonym H WCSP
Baloghia pancheri Baill. Synonym H WCSP
Baloghia parviflora C.T.White Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia pininsularis Guillaumin Accepted H WCSP
Baloghia pulchella Schltr. ex Pax Accepted H WCSP