The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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260 plant name records match your search criteria Chionanthus. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Chionanthus acuminigerus F.Muell. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus acunae (Borhidi & O.Muñiz) Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus adamsii Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus africanus Welw. ex Gilg & Schellenb. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus africanus (Knobl.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus albidiflorus Thwaites Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus amblirrhinus P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus angustifolius Raf. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus apertus B.Ståhl Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus arborea (Eichler) P.S. Green Synonym M TRO
Chionanthus avilensis (Steyerm.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus axillaris R.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus axillaris var. rostrata (C.B.Clarke) K.K.N.Nair & K.P.Janardh. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus axilliflorus (Griseb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus axilliflorus subsp. moncadae (Borhidi & O.Muñiz) P.A.González Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus ayresii A.J.Scott Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus bakeri (Urb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus balgooyana Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus battiscombei (Hutch.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus beccarii (Stapf) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus boutonii A.J.Scott Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus brachystachys (Schltr.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus brachythyrsus (Merr.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus brassii (Kobuski) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus broomeanus (Horne ex Oliv.) A.J.Scott Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus broomeanus var. broomeanus Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus broomeanus var. cordemoyanus (Knobl.) A.J.Scott Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus broomeanus var. cyanocarpus (Cordem.) A.J.Scott Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus bumelioides (Griseb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus bumelioides subsp. bumelioides Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus bumelioides subsp. cubensis (P.Wilson) P.A.González Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus bumelioides var. lanceolatus (Knobl.) Alain Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus bumelioides subsp. obovalis (Borhidi & O.Muñiz) Borhidi Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus burmanicus Panigrahi Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus calcicola (Kerr) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus callophylloides Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus callophyllus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus camptoneurus (Gilg & G.Schellenb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus caribaeus Jacq. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus caudatus (Collett & Hemsl.) Bahadur & R.C.Gaur Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus caudifolius (Ridl.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus caymanensis Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus celebicus Koord. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus chinensis Maxim. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus clementis (Quisumb. & Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus colonchensis Cornejo & Bonifaz Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus compactus Sw. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus confertus B.Ståhl Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus cordifolius Labat, Marc Pignal & O.Pascal Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus cordulatus Koord. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus coreanus H.Lév. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus coriaceus (S.Vidal) Yuen P.Yang & S.Y.Lu Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus cotinifolius Willd. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus courtallensis Bedd. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus crassifolius (Mart.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus crassifolius var. elegans (Eichler) P.S.Green Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus crispus Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus cubensis (P.Wilson) Stearn Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus curvicarpus Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus cuspidatus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus decipiens P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus densiflorus Zoll. & Moritzi Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus dichotomus Roxb. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus dictyophyllus (Urb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus diversifolius Miq. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus domingensis Lam. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus duclouxii Hickel Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus dussii (Krug & Urb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus effusiflorus F.Muell. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus elaeocarpus (Stapf) Kiew Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus elaeocarpus var. globosus Kiew Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus elegans (Eichler) Lozano & Fuertes Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus ellipticus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus enerve (Steenis) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus eriorachis (Kerr) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus evenius (Stapf) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus ferrugineus (Gilg) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus filiformis (Vell.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus fluminensis (Miers) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus foveolata Unresolved L TRO
Chionanthus foveolatus (E.Mey.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus foveolatus subsp. foveolatus Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus foveolatus subsp. foveolatus (E. Mey.) Stearn Synonym L TRO
Chionanthus fragrans Edwards ex Steud. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus fraxinifolia Kellogg Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus ghaeri Gaertn. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus gigantifolius Koord. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus gigas (Lingelsh.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus globosus (Kiew) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus glomeratus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus gorgonae Lozano & Fuertes Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus grandifolius (Elmer) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus greenii Lombardi Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus guangxiensis B.M.Miao Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus guianensis (Aubl.) Pers. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus guianensis (Aubl.) Stearn Synonym M TRO
Chionanthus guianensis (Aubl.) P.S. Green Synonym M TRO
Chionanthus hahlii (Rech.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus hainanensis (Merr. & Chun) B.M.Miao Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus hassleriana Unresolved L TRO
Chionanthus havilandii Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus helferi Panigrahi [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus henryae H.L.Li Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus henryanus P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus heterophyla Raf. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus holdridgii (Camp & Monach.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus idroboi Lozano & Fuertes Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus implicatus (Rusby) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus incrassatus Sw. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus incurvifolius (H.Perrier) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus insignis Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus insularis Labat, Marc Pignal & O.Pascal Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus intermedius (Wight) F.Muell. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus jamaicensis (Urb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus kajewskii (Sleumer) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus kinabaluensis Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus lanceolatus (Knobl.) J.Jiménez Alm. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus lancifolius (Ridl.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus latifolius Aiton ex Steud. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus laxiflorus Blume Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus leopoldii Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus leprocarpus Thwaites Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus leprocarpus var. courtallensis (Bedd.) K.K.N.Nair & K.P.Janardh. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus leucocladus (Merr. & Chun) B.M.Miao Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus ligustrinus (Sw.) Pers. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus linocieroides (Wight) Bennet & Raizada Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus littoreus Miq. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus longiflorus (H.L.Li) B.M.Miao Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus longifolius Raf. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus longipetalus (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus lucens Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus luteus Lavallée Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus luzonicus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus macrobotrys (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus macrocarpus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus macrophyllus (Wall. & G.Don) Blume Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus macrophyllus var. attenuatus (C.B.Clarke) K.K.N.Nair & K.P.Janardh. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus macrothyrsus (Merr.) Soejarto & P.K.Lôc Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus mala-elengi (Dennst.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus mala-elengi subsp. linocieroides (Wight) P.S.Green Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus mala-elengi subsp. mala-elengi Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus mala-elengi subsp. terniflorus (Wall. & G.Don) P.S.Green Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus malabaricus (Wall. ex G.Don) Bedd. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus malabaricus var. albidiflorus (Thwaites) Panigrahi Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus mandioccanus (Eichler) Lozano & Fuertes Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus mannii (Soler.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus mannii subsp. congestus (Baker) Stearn Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus mannii subsp. mannii Accepted L WCSP
Chionanthus maritimus (Pursh) Sweet Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus maxwellii P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus mayepea Vahl [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus micranthus (Mart.) Lozano & Fuertes Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus microbotrys (Kerr) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus microstigma (Gagnep.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus mildbraedii (Gilg & G.Schellenb.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus minutiflorus Kurz Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus miragoane (Urb.) J.Jiménez Alm. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus moncadae (Borhidi & O.Muñiz) Borhidi Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus montanus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus montanus (Pursh) Raf. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus montanus Kurz [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus monticolus Blume [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus niloticus (Oliv.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus nitens Koord. & Valeton Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus nitidus (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus oblanceolatus (B.L.Rob.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus oblongifolius Koord. & Valeton Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus obovatus Raf. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus obtusifolius (Lam.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus oliganthus (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus pachyphyllus (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus palembanicus Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus palustris Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus panamensis (Standl.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus paniculatus (Roxb.) K.K.N.Nair & K.P.Janardh. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus parkinsonii (Hutch.) Bennet & Raizada Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus pauciflorus (Wall. ex G.Don) Bennet & Raizada Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus pauciflorus var. evolutior (C.B.Clarke) K.K.N.Nair & K.P.Janardh. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus pauciflorus var. palembanicus (Miq.) Bennet & Raizada Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus pedunculatus P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus peglerae (C.H.Wright) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus picrophloius F.Muell. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus platycarpus (King & Gamble) Kiew Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus plurifloroides Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus pluriflorus (Knobl.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus polycephalus Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus polygamus (Roxb.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus porcatus Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus proctorii Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus pubescens Kunth Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus pubicalyx (Ridl.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus purpureus Lam. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus quadristamineus F.Muell. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus ramiflorus Roxb. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus ramiflorus var. grandiflorus B.M.Miao Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus ramiflorus var. palembanicus (Miq.) P.Daniel Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus ramiflorus var. peninsularis K.Ravik. & Lakshm. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus ramiflorus var. ramiflorus Accepted L TRO
Chionanthus remotinervius (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus retusus Lindl. & Paxton Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus retusus var. coreanus (H.Lév.) Nakai Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus retusus var. fauriei H.Lév. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus retusus var. mairei H.Lév. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus retusus var. serrulatus (Hayata) Koidz. Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus richardsiae Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus riparius (Lingelsh.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus roseus Barton Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus rostratus (Teijsm. & Binn.) Miq. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus rostratus Thwaites [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus roxburghii (Spreng.) S.K.Srivast. & S.L.Kapoor [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus roxburghii var. intermedius (Wight) S.K.Srivast. & S.L.Kapoor Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus rugosus Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus rupicolus (Lingelsh.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus sabahensis Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus salicifolius (Lingelsh.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus sangda (Gagnep.) Soejarto & P.K.Lôc Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus serrulatus Hayata Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus sessiliflorus (Hemsl.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus sleumeri (C.T.White) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus smilacifolius Wall. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus spicatus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus spiciferus (Ridl.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus stenurus (Merr.) Kiew Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus subsessilis (Eichler) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus sumatranus Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus sutepensis (Kerr) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus tenuiflora Wall. ex DC. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus tenuis P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus terniflorus Griff. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus terniflorus var. acuminatus (Wall. ex DC.) Bahadur & R.C.Gaur Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus tetandra Vahl Unresolved L TRO
Chionanthus tetrandrus Vahl [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus thorelii (Gagnep.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus timorensis Blume Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus trichotomus (Vell.) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus trifidus Moench Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus triflorus Stokes Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus tropophyllus (H.Perrier) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus urbanii (Knobl.) Stearn Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus velutinus (Kerr) P.S.Green Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus vernalis Salisb. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus vernus Baill. Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus verruculatus D.Fang Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus verticillatus (Gagnep.) Soejarto & P.K.Lôc Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus virginicus L. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus virginicus var. angustifolius Aiton Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus virginicus var. latifolius Aiton Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus virginicus var. maritimus Pursh Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus virginicus subsp. maritimus (Pursh) A.E.Murray Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus virginicus var. montanus Pursh Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus vitiensis (Seem.) A.C.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus wightii (C.B.Clarke) Bahadur & R.C.Gaur [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus wurdackii B.Ståhl Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus zeylanicus L. Accepted H WCSP
Chionanthus zeylanicus Lam. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Chionanthus zeylanicus var. dichotomus (Roxb.) Bahadur & R.C.Gaur Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus zeylanicus var. rostratus (C.B.Clarke) Panigrahi Synonym L WCSP
Chionanthus zeylonica L. Unresolved L TRO
Chionanthus zollingerianus Koord. & Valeton Accepted H WCSP