The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


30 plant name records match your search criteria Gnephosis. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Gnephosis acicularis Benth. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis angianthoides (Steetz) Anderb. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis arachnoidea Turcz. Accepted L TICA
Gnephosis arachnoidea var. foliata (Sond.) Benth. Synonym L TICA
Gnephosis baracchiana Ewart & Jean White Synonym M TICA
Gnephosis brevifolia (A.Gray) Benth. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis burkittii Benth. Synonym M TICA
Gnephosis cassiniana P.S.Short Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis codonopappus F.Muell. [Invalid] Synonym M TICA
Gnephosis cyathopappa Benth. Synonym L TICA
Gnephosis drummondii (A.Gray) P.S.Short Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis eriocarpa (F.Muell.) Benth. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis eriocephala (A.Gray) Benth. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis exilis W.Fitzg. Synonym M TICA
Gnephosis foliata (Sond.) H.Eichler Synonym L TICA
Gnephosis gnephosioides (F.Muell.) Druce Synonym L TICA
Gnephosis gnephosoides Domin Unresolved L TICA
Gnephosis gynotricha Diels Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis intonsa S.Moore Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis leptoclada (F.Muell.) Benth. Synonym L TICA
Gnephosis macrocephala Turcz. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis multiflora (P.S.Short) P.S.Short Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis pygmaea (A.Gray) Benth. Synonym M TICA
Gnephosis rotundifolia Diels Synonym L TICA
Gnephosis setifera P.S.Short Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis skirrophora (Sond. & F.Muell. ex Sond.) Benth. Synonym M TICA
Gnephosis tenuissima Cass. Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis tridens (P.S.Short) P.S.Short Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis trifida (P.S.Short) P.S.Short Accepted M TICA
Gnephosis uniflora (Turcz.) P.S.Short Accepted M TICA