The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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66 plant name records match your search criteria Gymnostachyum. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Gymnostachyum affine Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum alatum Wight Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum andrographioides T.Anderson Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum argyroneurum (Coem.) J.Verschaff. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum canescens (Nees) T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum ceylanicum Arn. & Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum coriaceum Imlay Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum cumingianum Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum decurrens Stapf Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum decurrens var. robinsonii (Ridl.) J.B.Imlay Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum diversifolium C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum febrifugum Benth. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum febrifugum var. bracteatum V.S.Ramach. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum glabrum T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum glomeratum (Blume) Bremek. Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum glomeruliflorum Bremek. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum gracile Bremek. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum hirsutum T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum hirtistylum C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum hirtum Ridl. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum insulare Ridl. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum javanicum Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum keithii Ridl. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum knoxiifolium C.B.Clarke Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum kwangsiense H.S.Lo Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum larsenii Bremek. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum lateriflorum (C.B.Clarke) B.Hansen Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum latifolium T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum leptostachyum Nees Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum listeri Prain Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum longifolium T.Anderson ex C.B.Clarke Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum longifolium T.Anderson ex T.Cooke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum longispicatum Merr. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum magis-nervatum C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum magnum C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum nudispicum (C.B.Clarke) Elmer Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum ovatum T.Anderson ex Bedd. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum palawanense Elmer Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum pallens C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum paniculatum T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum parishii T.Anderson Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum pearcei H.J.Veitch Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum pictum Elmer Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum polyanthum Wight Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum polyneuron C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum ridleyi C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum robinsonii Ridl. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum sahyadricum C.N.Mohanan, Remadevi & Binojk. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum sanguinolentum (Nees) T.Anderson Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum scortechinii C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum serrulatum T.Anderson Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum signatum (Benoist) Imlay Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum simplicicaule C.B.Clarke Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum sinense (H.S.Lo) H.Chu Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum spiciforme (Elmer) Merr. Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum subacaule (Zoll.) Bremek. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum subcordatum Elmer Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum subrosulatum H.S.Lo Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum thwaitesii T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum tomentosum T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum trichosepalum Merr. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum triflorum Ridl. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum trilobum Ridl. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum variegatum Hallier f. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum venustum (Nees) T.Anderson Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Gymnostachyum verschaffeltii Lem. Synonym L WCSP (in review)