The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


37 plant name records match your search criteria Macrothelypteris. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Macrothelypteris aubertii Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris aurita Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris bukoensis Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris changshaensis Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris contingens Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris cruciata Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris cyclocarpa Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris dianae Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris henriquesii Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris hirtirachis Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris keraudreniana Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris kinabaluensis Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris leucolepis (C. Presl) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris levingii Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris multiseta (Baker) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris ogasawarensis Holttum Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris oligophlebia (Baker) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris oligophlebia var. elegans (Koidz.) Ching Accepted L TRO
Macrothelypteris ornata (Wall. ex Bedd.) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris pallida Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris paludosa (Blume) Á. Löve & D. Löve Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris persimilis Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris polypodioides (Hook.) Holttum Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris procera Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris pyrrhorachis (Kunze) Pic. Serm. Synonym M TRO
Macrothelypteris rammelooi Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris rectangularis Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris setigera (Blume) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris subaurita Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris × subviridifrons Nakaike Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris sumatrana Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI
Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris torresiana var. calvata (Baker) Holttum Accepted L TRO
Macrothelypteris uraiensis (Rosenst.) Á. Löve & D. Löve Synonym M TRO
Macrothelypteris viridescens Ching Unresolved L TRO
Macrothelypteris viridifrons (Tagawa) Ching Accepted M TRO
Macrothelypteris yungkweiensis Pic.Serm. Unresolved L IPNI