The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


25 plant name records match your search criteria Staelia. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Staelia aurea K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia caespitosa Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Staelia capitata K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia catechosperma K.Schum. Synonym H WCSP
Staelia filifolia Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Staelia filifolia Chodat & Hassl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Staelia galioides DC. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia hassleri Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia hatschbachii J.H.Kirkbr. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia herzogii (S.Moore) R.M.Salas & E.L.Cabral Synonym H WCSP
Staelia juarezii E.L.Cabral & Salas Accepted H WCSP
Staelia lanigera (DC.) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia logipedicelata R. Salas & E.L. Cabral Unresolved L TRO
Staelia longipedicellata R.M.Salas & E.L.Cabral Accepted H WCSP
Staelia psyllocarpoides Sucre Synonym H WCSP
Staelia reflexa DC. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia scabra (C.Presl) Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Staelia thymbroides (Mart. ex Mart. & Zucc.) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia thymoides Cham. & Schltdl. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia tocantinsiana R.M.Salas & E.L.Cabral Accepted H WCSP
Staelia uruguaya Arechav. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia vestita K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia virgata (Link ex Roem. & Schult.) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Staelia virgata var. killeenii E.L.Cabral & Bacigalupo Accepted L WCSP
Staelia virgata var. virgata Accepted L WCSP