The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


56 plant name records match your search criteria Synotis. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Synotis acuminata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis ainsliifolia C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis alata (Wall. ex Wall.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis atractylidifolia (Ling) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis auriculata C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis austroyunnanensis C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis bhot (C.B.Clarke) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis birmanica C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis borii (Raizada) R.Mathur Unresolved L TICA
Synotis brevipappa C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis brunneovillosa (Kitam.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis calocephala C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis cappa (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis cavaleriei (H.Lév.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis changiana Y.L.Chen Accepted L TICA
Synotis changiana Y.L. Chen Unresolved L TRO
Synotis chingiana C. Jeffrey & Y.L. Chen Accepted M TRO
Synotis cordifolia Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis damiaoshanica C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis duclouxii (Dunn) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis erythropappa (Bureau & Franch.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis fulvipes (Ling) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis glomerata (Jeffrey) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis guizhouensis C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis hieraciifolia (H.Lév.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis ionodasys (Hand.-Mazz.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis jowaiensis (Balak.) R.Mathur Unresolved L TICA
Synotis kunthiana (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis longipes C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis lucorum (Franch.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis lushaensis (C.E.C.Fisch.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis muliensis Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis nagensium (C.B.Clarke) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis nayongensis C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis otophylla Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis palmatisecta Y.L.Chen & J.D. Liu Accepted M TICA
Synotis panduriformis C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis phupeakensis H.Koyama Unresolved L TICA
Synotis pseudoalata (C.C.Chang) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis reniformis Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis rhabdos (C.B.Clarke) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis rufinervis (DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis saluenensis (Diels) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis sciatrephes (W.W.Sm.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis setchuanensis (Franch.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis simonsii (C.B.Clarke) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis sinica (Diels) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis solidaginea (Hand.-Mazz.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis tetrantha (DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis triligulata (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis vagans (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Unresolved L TICA
Synotis vaniotii (H.Lév.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis wallichii (DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis xantholeuca (Hand.-Mazz.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis yakoensis (Jeffrey ex Jeffrey) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA
Synotis yui C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen Accepted M TICA