The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


No plant names match your search for xanthosoma lindeni; we will try Xanthosoma instead.

160 plant name records match your search criteria Xanthosoma. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Xanthosoma acutiloba Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma acutum E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma akkermansii (G.S.Bunting) Croat Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma andicola hort. ex Gentil Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma angustisectum Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma appendiculatum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma aristeguietae (G.S.Bunting) Madison Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens K.Koch & C.D.Bouché Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens Fournet Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma atrovirens var. appendiculatum (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens var. hybridum K.Koch Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens var. kochii Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens var. moritzii Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens var. panduriforme Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma atrovirens var. versicolor K.Koch Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma auriculatum Regel Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma baguense Croat Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma barilletii Carrière [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Xanthosoma bayo G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma belophyllum (Willd.) Kunth Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma belophyllum var. caracassanum K.Koch Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma belophyllum var. kunthii Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma belophyllum x caracassanum K. Koch Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma bilineatum Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma blandum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma bolivaranum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma brasiliense (Desf.) Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma brevispathaceum Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma × brownii O.Deg. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Xanthosoma buchtienii Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma caladioides Grayum Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma caracasanum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma caracu K.Koch & C.D.Bouché Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma caulotuberculatum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma ceronii Croat & L.P. Hannon Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma clarense León Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma conspurcatum Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma contractum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma cordatum N.E.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma cordifolium N.E.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma crassilaminum Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma crassinervium Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma croatanum L.D.Gómez & Gómez-Laur. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma cubense (Schott) Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma daguense Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma daguense var. daguense Accepted L WCSP
Xanthosoma dealbatum Grayum Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma edule (G.Mey.) Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma eggersii (Engl.) Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma exiguum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma feuersteiniae Croat & Bogner Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma flavomaculatum Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma fractum Madison Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma gracile Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma granvillei Croat & Thomps. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma guttatum Croat & D.C.Bay Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma hannoniae Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma harlingii CROAT & L.P. Hannon Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma hastatum Eggers Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma hastifolium K.Koch Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma hastifolium sensu Duss Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma hebetatum Croat & D.C.Bay Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma helleborifolium (Jacq.) Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma helleborifolium var. angustisectum (Engl.) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma helleborifolium f. variegatum (Desf.) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma helleborifolium f. viride Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma helleborifolium var. viride Engl. Synonym L TRO
Xanthosoma helleborifolium var. weberbaueri Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma herrerae Croat & Huang, Pu Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma hoffmannii (Schott) Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma hoffmannii var. wendlandii (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma holtonianum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma hylaeae Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma ianthinum K.Koch & C.D.Bouché Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma jacquinii Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma kerberi Engl. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma latestigmatum Bogner & E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma lindenii (André) T.Moore Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma lindenii (André) Engl. Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma litense Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma longilobum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma lucens E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma maculatum G.Nicholson [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Xanthosoma mafaffa Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma mafaffa var. blandum (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma mafaffa var. poeppigii (Schott) Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma mafaffoides G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma mariae Bogner & E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma maroae G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma maximiliani Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma mendozae Matuda Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma mexicanum Liebm. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma minima Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma mirabile Mast. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma mucronatum Schott [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Xanthosoma narinoense Bogner & L.P.Hannon Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma nigrum Stellfeld Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma nigrum Mansf. Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma nitidum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma obtusilobum Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma orinocense G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma paradoxum (Bogner & Mayo) Bogner Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pariense G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pedatum Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma peltatum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pentaphyllum (Schott) Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pentaphyllum (Vell.) Schott Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma peregrinum Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma pichinchense Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma pilosum K.Koch & Augustin Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma platylobum (Schott) Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma platylobum (Schott) Schott Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma plowmanii Bogner Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma plumieri (Schott) Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma poeppigii Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma poeppigii var. mafaffa (Schott) J.F.Macbr. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma pottii E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pringlei Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma puberulum Croat Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pubescens Poepp. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma pubescens var. latesinuatum Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma pulchrum E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma purpuratum K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma purpureomaculatum Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma riedelianum (Schott) Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma riedelianum var. brancoanum Engl. Synonym L WCSP
Xanthosoma rimbachii K.Krause Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma riopalenquense (Madison) Madison Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma riparium E.G.Gonç. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma robustum Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma roseum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma sagittifolium K.Koch [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma sagittifolium Liebm. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma saguasense G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma seideliae Croat Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma stenospathum Madison Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma striatipes (Kunth & C.D.Bouché) Madison Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma striolatum Mart. ex Schott Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma subandinum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma supiaense Croat Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma sylvestre Bello [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Xanthosoma syngoniifolium Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma tarapotense Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma trichophyllum K.Krause Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma trilobum G.S.Bunting Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma uleanum Engl. ex Ule Unresolved L TRO
Xanthosoma ulei Engl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma undipes (K.Koch & C.D.Bouché) K.Koch Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma utile K.Koch & C.D.Bouché Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma variegatum (Desf.) Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma versicolor Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma violaceum Schott Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma viviparum Madison Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma wallisii auct. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Xanthosoma weeksii Madison Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma wendlandii (Schott) Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Xanthosoma wendlandii (Schott) Schott Synonym M TRO
Xanthosoma xantharrhizon (Jacq.) K.Koch Synonym H WCSP
Xanthosoma yucatanense Engl. Accepted H WCSP