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2213 plant name records match your search criteria Pleurothallis. The results are below.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Pleurothallis abbreviata Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aberrans Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis abjecta Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis abortiva Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis acanthodes Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acestrophylla Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis acianthera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acicularis Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acostaei Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acremona Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acrisepala Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aculeata Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acuminata H.Focke [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acuminata (Kunth) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acuminatipetala A.Samp. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acutangula H.Wendl. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acutidentata Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis acutiflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mansf. ex C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acutilabia Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis acutipetala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis acutissima Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis adamantinensis Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis adeleae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis adelphe Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis adenochila Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis adirii Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis adonis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis adrianae Luer & Sijm Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis adventurae Karremans & Bogarín Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis aechme Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aequatorialis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aequiflora Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis affinis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis agathophylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aggeris Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis aguilarii Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aguirrei Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alabastra Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis alainii Dod Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alata A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis albida Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis albiflora Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis albipetala (Barb.Rodr.) Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis albopurpurea Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alborosea (Kraenzl.) Porto & Brade Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alexandrae Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis alexii A.H.Heller Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aligera Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis allenii L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alligatorifera Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aloisii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis alopex Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alpestris (Sw.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis alpina Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis alta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis altimonile Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis altoserrana Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis alvaroi Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis alveolata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis amaliae Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amaralii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amblyopetala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ambyx Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis amesiana L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amethystina Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amoena A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amparoana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amphigya Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis amplectens Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis amygdalina Rolfe ex Schltr. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis amygdalodora Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis anaristella (Kraenzl.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis anceps Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ancistra Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ancora Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis anderssonii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis andina (Schltr.) Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis andrei Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis anfracta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angulosa Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angusta Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angustifolia Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angustilabia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angustilabia Hoehne & Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angustipetala C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angustisegmenta C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis angustisepala Ames & Correll Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ankyloglossa Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis annectens Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis anomala Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis antennata Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis antennifera Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis anthoctenium Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis anthoxantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis anthrax Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis antioquiensis (Schltr.) P.H.Allen Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis antonensis L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aondae Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aperta (Kraenzl.) Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aphthosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis apiculata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis apiculifera Schltr. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis apoda Garay & Dunst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis apopsis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis aporosis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis apoxys Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis appendiculata Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis applanata Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis apposita Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aquinoi Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arachnantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arachnion Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arachnopsis H.G.Jones Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis araguensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arbuscula Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arbusculoides T.Hashim. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis archicolonae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis archidiaconi Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis archidonae Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis archidonopsis Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis archilarum Chiron Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis arctata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis arcuata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arcuata var. parvifolia Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis areldii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arenicola (Carnevali & I.Ramírez) Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arevaloi Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ariasii Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis arietina Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aristata Hook. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aristocratica L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aristulata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis armeniaca (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis articulata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aryter Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis asaroides (Kraenzl.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ascendens Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ascera Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis aspasicensis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aspera Ruiz & Pav. Synonym M TRO
Pleurothallis aspergillum Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis asperilinguis Rchb.f. & Warsz. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis asperrima Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis asplundii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis astrophora Rchb.f. ex Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atacasana Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atroglossa Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atrohiata Dod Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis atropurpurea (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atropurpurea (Lindl.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atropurpureum Cogn. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis atrorubra Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atroviolacea F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis attenuata Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis atwoodii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aurantiaca Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aurantiolateritia Speg. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aurea Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aurea A.Rich. & Galeotti [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aurea var. asperilinguis (Rchb.f. & Warsz.) Foldats Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis auriculata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis auriculigera Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis auriculigera Hoehne & Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aurita C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis autraniana Kraenzl. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis avenacea Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis aveniformis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aves-seriales Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis aviceps Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis avirostris Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bacillaris Pabst Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bahiensis Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bahorucensis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis balaeniceps Luer & Dressler Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bangii Rolfe ex Britton Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis barahonensis Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbacenensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbacenensis var. albiflora (Barb.Rodr.) Pabst Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis barbacenensis var. angustifolia (Pabst) Pabst Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis barbae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbata Westc. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbata H.Focke [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barberiana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbosae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbosana De Wild. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barboselloides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barboselloides Hoehne [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barbulata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis barthelemyi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis batillacea Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis batracha Luer & Hirtz Synonym M TRO
Pleurothallis batrachus Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis baudoensis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis belocardia Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis berlineri Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bernoullii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bertoniensis Hauman Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bevilacquana Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis beyrichii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis beyrodtiana Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bibarbellata Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicallosa Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicarinata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis biceps Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicochlearis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicolor (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicolor Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicornis Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicornuta (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicristata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bicruris Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bidentata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bidentula Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bifalcis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis biflora H.Focke Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis biflora Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis biglandulosa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bilamellata Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis binotii Regel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bipapulare Dod Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis bipapularis Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis birchenallii Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis biserrula Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bissei Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bistuberculata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bitumida Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bivalvis Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis blaisdellii S.Watson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis blancoi Pupulin Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis blepharoglossa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis blepharopetala Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis blepharophylla Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bleyensis Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis blumenavii (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bocainensis Porto & Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bogarinii Pupulin & J.D.Zuñiga Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bogotensis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bogotensis Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis boliviana Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis boliviana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bothros Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bourgeaui Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bovilabia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bovilingua Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bowmannii Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis brachiata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis brachyantha Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brachyblephara Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brachyglottis Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis brachyloba Hoehne Accepted M TRO
Pleurothallis brachypetala Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bracteosa C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bradei Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bradeorum (Schltr.) Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brenesii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brenneri Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis brevicaulis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis breviflora Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brevipes H.Focke Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brevis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis breviscapa C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brevispicata C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brighamella Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brighamii S.Watson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis brittoniana Rolfe ex Britton Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis brittonii Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis broadwayi Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis broadwayi subsp. anomala (Hoehne) Garay Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis broadwayi var. tricarinata C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis brunnescens Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bucaramangae Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bucculenta Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis buchtienii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bucranon Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis bufonis Klotzsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bulbophylloides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis bupleurifolia Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis burzlaffiana Luer & Sijm Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis butantanensis Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis butcheri L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cabellensis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cachabensis Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cachensis Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cactantha Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caespitosa Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caespitosa var. chrysantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis caespitosa var. monantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cajamarcae Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calamifolia Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calcarata Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calceolaris Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis caldensis Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis calderae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis calerae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caliensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caligularis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis callifera C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calogramma Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calolalax Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calvariola Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calypso Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis calyptrosepala L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis calyptrostele Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis campestris Barb.Rodr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis campestris var. longipedunculata Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis campicola Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis canae Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis canaliculata Rchb. f. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis canaligera Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis candida Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis caniceps Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis canidentis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis capanemae Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caparaoensis Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis capensis (Sond. ex Harv.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis capillaris Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis capillifera Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis capitonis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis caprina Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiochila L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiocrepis Braid [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiocrepis Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiophylax Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiophylla Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiostola Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardiothallis Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cardium Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carinata C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carinifera (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis carinilabia Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carioi Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carnosa Braid Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis carnosifolia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carnosilabia A.H.Heller & A.D.Hawkes Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caroli Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carpinterae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis carrenoi Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis carrisii Brade Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis carthaginensis Cogn. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis carvalhoi Luer & Toscano Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis casapensis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cassidata Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cassidis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis castellensis Brade Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis casualis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis catharinensis Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis catoxys Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cauda-hirundinis Luer & J.Portilla Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cauda-phocae Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis caudatipetala C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caudatisepala C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caulescens Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cauliflora Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis caymanensis C.D.Adams Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cearensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cedralensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cedrinorum Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis centranthera Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ceratothallis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cerberus Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cerea Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cernua Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cestrochila Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chachatoynsis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chaetocephala Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chaetoglossa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chama Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis chamaelepanthes Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chamaestelis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chamelopoda Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chamensis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chamensis var. tenuis C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis chanchamayoensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chavezii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis chionopa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chiquindensis F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chiriquensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chitonoides Lindl. ex Baxter Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis chlamydopus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chloe Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chloidophylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chlorina Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chloroleuca Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis choconiana S.Watson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis choerorhyncha Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chontalensis A.H.Heller & A.D.Hawkes Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis choroniensis Schnee Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chrysantha Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chuquiribambae Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis chuscalica Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliaris (Lindl.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliata Knowles & Westc. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliata var. abbreviata C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliata var. elongata C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliifera Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliilabia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ciliolata Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cimex Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cingens Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis circinata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis circumplexa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis citrina Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis citrina var. elliptica C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis citrophila Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis clandestina Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis claudii Rchb.f. ex Dod Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis clausa De Puydt Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis claviculata Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis clavigera Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cleistogama Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cobanensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cobriformis L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis coccinea Hook. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cochabambae Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cochlearis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cocornaensis Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis coeloglossa Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis coffeicola Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cogniauxiana Kraenzl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cogniauxiana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis collina Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis collina var. minor Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis colnagoi Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis colorata Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis colossus Kraenzl. ex Kerch. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis colothrix Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis comayaguensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis compacta (Ames) Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis complanata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis complicata Rolfe ex Rusby Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis compressa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis compressicaulis Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis compressiflora Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conanthera Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis concaviflora C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conchopetala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis concinna Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis condorensis Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis condylata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conformalis Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis confusa Fawc. & Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis congesta A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis congestiflora Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis congruens Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conicostigma Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis connata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conochila Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conoglossa Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis consatae Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis consimilis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis conspersa Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis constanzensis Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis constricta Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis convallaria Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis convallium Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis convergens R.C.J.Gerard Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis convexa Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis convexiflora Barb. Rodr. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis convexifolia Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis convoluta Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cooperi Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corazonica F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corazonica Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cordata (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cordatifolia Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cordifolia Rchb.f. & H.Wagener Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cordifolia var. rhopalocarpa (Schltr.) T.Hashim. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cordilabia Pabst Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis coriacardia Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis coriacea Bello Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis coripatae Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corniculata (Sw.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cornualis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis coronula Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corralensis Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis correllii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis corticicola Schltr. ex Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corynetes Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corynophora Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis corysta Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cosangae Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cosmetron Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis costabilis Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis costaricensis Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis costaricensis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis costata Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cotyligera Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crassa Lindl. ex Baxter Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis crassapex Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crassicaulis (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crassifolia H.Focke Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crassifolia Rchb.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crassilabia Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crassipes Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crateriformis C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crebrifolia (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cremasta Luer & J.Portilla Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crenata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crepidophylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crepiniana Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crescenticola Ames Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis crescentilabia Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crinita Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cristata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis croatii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crocea Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crocodeilanthe Lindl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crocodiliceps Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crossota Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis crucifera Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cruciformis Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis crucilabia Ames & Correll Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cryptantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cryptantha Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cryptoceras Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cryptophoranthoides Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cuatrecasasii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cubensis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cubitoria Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cucullata Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cucumeris Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cultellifolis Barb.Rodr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cunabularis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cundinamarcae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. alborubra Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. alboviridis Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. atrorubra Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. aurea Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. maculata Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. parviflora Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. punctata Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. purpurascens Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. vinosa Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. virescens Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis cuneifolia var. vittata Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis curitybensis Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis curitybensis Schltr. ex Mansf. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis curti-bradei Pabst Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis curtii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis curtisii Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis curvifructa H.G.Jones Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cuscifolia R. Br. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis cuspidata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cutucuensis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cyanea Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cyathiflora C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cycesis Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cyclochila Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cyclophylla Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cylindrica (Luer) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cymbicalli Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cymbiformis Dod Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis cymbisepala Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cynocephala Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis cypelligera Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis cypripedioides Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis daguensis F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dalessandroi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dalstroemii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dasychila Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dasypetala Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis davisii Luer & Endara Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dayana (Rchb.f.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis deborana Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis deceptrix Dressler Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis decipiens Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis declivis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis decora Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis decurrens Poepp. & Endl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis decurva Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis deflexa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dejavu Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis delascioi Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis delicatula Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis deltoglossa Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis demissa Luer & R.Vásquez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dendrophila Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis densiflora (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis densiflora var. parvifolia Garay Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis densifolia Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis denticulata Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dentifera L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dentipetala Rolfe ex Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis depauperata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dependens Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis depressa Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis deregularis (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis deserta Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis determannii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dewildei Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis diabolica Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dibolia Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dichotoma Ames [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dichotoma (Poepp. & Endl.) Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dichroa Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis diffusa Poepp. & Endl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis diffusa var. grandiflora (C.Schweinf.) C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis diffusiflora C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis digitale Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dilatata C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dilemma Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dimidia Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis diminuta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dinotherii Rchb.f. & Warsz. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis diploglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis diptera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dirhamphis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis discalis Luer & J.Portilla Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis discoidea Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis discophylla Luer & Carnevali Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis displosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis disticha A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis disticha (Lam.) A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis diuturna Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis divaricans Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis divexa Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dixiorum Luer & Béhar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dodii Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dodsonii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dolichocaulon Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dolichopus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dolichopus var. bradeorum Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis domingensis Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dorotheae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dorrii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dracontea Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dracula Seehawer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dressleri Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis drewii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis driessenii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dryadum Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis duartei Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dubbeldamii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dubia A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dubia var. myriantha (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis dukei Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis dunstervillei Foldats Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis duplex Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis duplooyi Luer & Sayers Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dura Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dussii Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis dutrae Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ecallosa Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis eccentrica Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis echinantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis echinocarpa C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis echinodes Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ecuadorensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis edwallii Dusén & Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis edwallii var. major Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis edwallii var. pallida Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis egleri Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ehrhartiiflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis eidos Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ekmanii Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis elachopus Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis elegans (Kunth) Lindl. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis elegantula Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ellipsophylla L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis elongata Klotzsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis elvirana Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis emarginata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis embreei Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis endotrachys Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis endotrachys F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis endresii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ensata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ephelis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ephemera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis epiglottis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis erebatensis Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis erectiflora Luer & Hirtz [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis erinacea Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis erosa Urb. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis erucosa Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis erymnochila Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis erythrium Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis erythrogramma Luer & Carnevali Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis escalerensis Carnevali & Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis esmeraldae Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis espinalii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis eugenii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis eumeces Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis eumecocaulon Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis exarticulata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exasperata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis excavata Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis excelsa Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis excentrica (Luer) Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis excisa C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exdrasii Luer & Toscano Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exesilabia A.H.Heller & A.D.Hawkes Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exigua Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exilis C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis eximia L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exotica Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis expansa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis exserta Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ezechiasi Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fabiobarrosii Borba & Semir Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis falcatiloba Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis falcipetala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fallax Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fantastica Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis farinosa Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fasciata Seehawer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis fasciculata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fastidiosa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis fastigiata Luer & Toscano Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis felis-lingua Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fenestrata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ferdinandiana (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fernandiana Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis feuilletii Luer [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ficaria hort. ex Gentil Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis filamentosa (Ames & C.Schweinf.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis filifera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis filiformis Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis fimbriata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fimbrilabia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fimbripetala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flaccida Klinge Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flammea (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flaveola Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis flavescens Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flavida (H.Focke) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flavosa Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis flexibilis Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flexuosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis floribunda (Lindl.) Lindl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis floribunda Poepp. & Endl. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis floripecten Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis floripicta Lindl. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis florosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis florulenta Linden & Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis flosculifera Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fluminensis Pabst Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis fockei Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis foetens Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis foliata Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis foliosa Hook. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis folsomii Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis fonsflorum Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis forceps-cancri Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis formondii Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis formosa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fornicata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fornix Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fortunae Luer & Dressler Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fossulata Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis foveata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fractiflexa Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fragilis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis francesiana Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fraterna Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fritillaria Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fritzii Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis frutex Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis frutex var. robusta C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis fuchsii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fuegi Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fuegi var. echinata L.O.Williams Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis fuertesii Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fugax Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis fulgens Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fumioi T.Hashim. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis funerea (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis furcatipetala Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis furcifera Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis furfuracea F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fusca Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fuscata Braid Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis fustifera Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis gacayana Schltr. Accepted M TRO
Pleurothallis galeata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis galerasensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis galerita Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ganymedes Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis garayana (Ospina) Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis garayi Pabst Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis garciae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gardneri Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gargantua Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis gehrtii Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gelida Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gemina H.Stenzel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis geminicaulina Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis geminiflora Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis geniculata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis genychila Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis geographica Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis georgei Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gert-hatschbachii Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ghiesbreghtiana A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ghiesbreghtiana var. cleistogama L.O.Williams Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ghillanyi Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gigantea Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gigas Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis giraffa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis giraldoi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis githaginea Pabst & Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis glabra Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis glandulifera Loefgr. ex Porto Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis glanduligera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis glandulipetala Luer & R.Vásquez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis glandulosa Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis glaucophylla Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis glaziovii Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis globifera Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis globosa Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis glochis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis glomerata Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis glossochila Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis glossopogon Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis glumacea Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gnoma Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gnomonifera Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gomesii-ferreirae Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gomezii Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis gongylodes Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gonioglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gonzalezii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gouveiae A.Samp. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gracilenta Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gracilicaulis Seehawer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis gracilipedunculata Foldats Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis gracilis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis graciliscapa C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gracilisepala Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gracillima Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis graminea Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis grammata Dressler Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis grandiflora Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis grandis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis granitica Luer & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis granularis Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis granulosa (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gratiosa Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis graveolens Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis grayumii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis grisebachiana Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis grobyi Bateman ex Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis grobyi var. marmorata (Barb.Rodr.) Garay Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis grobyi var. trilineata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis guadalupensis Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis guanacastensis Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis guarujaensis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis guatemalensis Rolfe Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis guatopensis Foldats Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis guentheri Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis guimaraensii Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis gutierrezii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis guttata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis guttulata Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis gyas Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis habenula Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis haberi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hagsateri Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis haitiensis Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis halbingeriana R.E.Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hamata Rolfe ex Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hamburgensis Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hammelii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hamosa Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hamosa var. longicaulis Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis handroi Pabst [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis harlingii Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis harpago Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis harpophylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hartwegii Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hartwegiifolia H.Wendl. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hastata Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hastulata Rchb.f. & Warm. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hatschbachii Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hawkesii Flickinger Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hawkinsii Luer & L. Endara Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis hebesepala (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis helenae Fawc. & Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis heliconioides Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis heliconiscapa Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis helleri A.D.Hawkes Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis helleriana L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis helmutii Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hemileuca Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hemirhoda Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hemisphaerica Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis henniae Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis henrici Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis henrique-aragonii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis heringeri Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis herpestes Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis herpethophyton Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis herrerae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis herzogii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis heteropetala Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis heterophylla (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hexandra Garay & Dunst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hians Lindl. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis hieroglyphica Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hilariana Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hintonii L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hippocrepica Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hirsuta Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hirsuticaulis Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hirsutissima C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hirsutula Fawc. & Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hirtipes Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hirtzii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hispida L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hitchcockii Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hjertingii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hoehnei Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hoeijeri Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis hoffmannseggiana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis holstii Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis holtonii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis homalantha Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis homalanthoides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hondurensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hookeri Regel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hopfiana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hoppii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis horichii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hotteana Mansf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis huanucoensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis huebneri Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis humboldtiana Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis humidicola Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis humilis C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hunteriana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hyans Ames ex L.B. Sm. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis hygrophila Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hygrophila var. elongata Hauman Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis hygrophila var. longicaulis Dutra ex Pabst Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis hymenantha Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hypnicola Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hypocrita Garay & Dunst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hystricosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis hystrix Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ibex Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ichthyonekys Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ignivomi Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ignota Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis iguapensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis illudens Spann. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imago Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imbaburae Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis imbeana Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imber-florum Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis imberbis Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imbricata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imitor Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis immersa Linden & Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imperialis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis implexa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imraei Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis imraei var. vaginata (Schltr.) O.Gruss & M.Wolff Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis inaequalis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis inaequisepala C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis incompta Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis incongrua Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis inconspicuiflora Schltr. ex P. Knuth Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis incurva Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis index Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ineziae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis infinita Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis inflata Rolfe Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis infundibulosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ingramii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis inornata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis inquisiviensis Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis insignis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis instar Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis insularis Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis integrilabia Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis intermedia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis intonsa Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis intricata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis inversa Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis involuta L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ionantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis iota Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ipyrangana Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis isthmica Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis jacarepaguaensis Barb.Rodr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis jaculifera Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis jalapensis (Kraenzl.) Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jamaicensis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jamiesonii Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis janeirensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis janeirensis var. viridicata Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis janetiae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jaramilloi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis jesupii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jesupiorum Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jimii Luer [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis jocolensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis johannensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis johannis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis johnsonii Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jordanensis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis josephensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis josephensis var. integripetala Hoehne Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis josephensis var. papillifera Hoehne Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis josephensis var. subcrenulata Hoehne Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis juergensii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis jungermannioides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis juninensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis juninensis var. angustifolia C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis juninensis var. cuzcoensis C.Schweinf. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis juninensis var. subaequisepala C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis jupiter Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis jurisdixii Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis juxtaposita Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kareniae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis karlii Pabst Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis kateora (Garay) Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis kautskyi Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kefersteiniana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kegelii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kennedyi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kerrii Braga Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis killipii Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis kleinii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis klotzschiana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis knappiae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis kraenzliniana Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kraenzlinii Sander [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis krameriana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis kuhniae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lacera Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis laciniata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis laevigata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis laevis Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lagarophyta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lamellaris Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lamia Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis laminata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lamprochlamys Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lamproglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lamprophylla Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lanceana Lodd. ex Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lanceana Lodd. Accepted M TRO
Pleurothallis lanceola (Sw.) Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lanceolata (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lanceolata var. gracilis C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lancifera Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lancilabris (Rchb.f.) Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lancilabris var. oxyglossa (Schltr.) C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lancipetala (H.Karst.) Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis langeana Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis langlassei Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis languida Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lanigera Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lankesteri Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lansbergiana Regel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lansbergii Regel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lappacea Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lappago Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lappiformis A.H.Heller & L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lasioglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lasioglossa Schltr. ex Hoehne [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lasiosepala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lateralis L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lateritia Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis latilabris Foldats Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis latipetala Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis laurifolia Rchb.f. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis laurifolia Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lauta Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis laxa (Sw.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis laxiflora Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lehmanneptis Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lehmanniana Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lemniscifolia Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lenae Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lenticularis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lentiginosa F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leontoglossa Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leontoglossa Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leopardina Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lepanthiformis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lepanthipoda Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lepanthoides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lepanthopsis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lepidota L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leptantha Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leptopetala Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leptotifolia Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leucantha Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis leucopyramis Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis leucorhoda Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis leucosepala Loefgr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lewisiae Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lichenicola Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lichenophila Porto & Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis liebmanniana Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ligulata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lilacina Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lilacina var. albipetala Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lilacina var. microphylla Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lilianiae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lilijae Foldats Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis limae Porto & Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis limbata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lindenii Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lindenii var. gigantea Rchb.f. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lindenii var. longiracema C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lindenii var. pumila Rchb.f. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis lindleyana Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis linearifolia Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis linearis (Lindl.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lineolata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lingua Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis linguifera Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis liparanges Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lipothrix Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis listerophora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis listrostachys Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis litensis Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lithophila Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis litotes Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis llamachoi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lloensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lobata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lobiserrata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis loefgrenii Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis loejtnantii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lojae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lonchophylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lonchophylla (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis londonoi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis longicaulis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longicornu Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longilabris Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longipedicellata Ames & C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis longipes Körn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longirepens Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longirostris H.Focke Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longisepala Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longiserpens C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis longispicata L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis longissima Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lopezii Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis loranthophylla Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis loranthophylla var. pellucida Regel Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis loreae Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis lorenae Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis loxensis Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis luctuosa Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis luis-diegoi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lunaris Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis luteola Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis lyroglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macaheensis Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macra Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis macrantha L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macroblepharis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macrocardia Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis macrophylla Lindl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macrophylla Kunth Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis macrophyta Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macropoda Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macropoda var. laevis Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis macropus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macrorhiza Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis macuconensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis maculata N.E.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis maculata Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis maculata subsp. ecuadorensis (Schltr.) H. Mohr Synonym L TRO
Pleurothallis maculosa Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis madisonii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis madsenii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis maduroi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis magalhaesii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis magdalenae Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis magnicalcarata Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis magnifica Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis magnipetala C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis magnispatha Foldats Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis maguirei Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis malachantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis malmeana Dutra ex Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mammillata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mandibularis Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mandonii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis manicosa Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mantiquyrana Barb.Rodr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis margaritifera Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis marginalis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis marginata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis marginata (Rich.) Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mariae I.Bock Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis marmorata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis marmorata var. concolor Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis marthae Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis martinezii Luer [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis marumbyana Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis masdevalliopsis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mastodon Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mastophora Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mathewsii Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mathildae Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis matinhensis Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis matudana C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis maxima Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mazei Urb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis medellinensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis medinae Luer & J.Portilla Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mediocarinata C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis medusa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis megachasma Schltr. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis megachlamys Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis megaglossa Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis megaloophora Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis megalops Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis megalorhina Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis megalotis Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mejiae Garay & Dunst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melachila Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melanantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melanochthoda Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melanoglossa Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melanopus F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melanostele Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melanosticta Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis melicoides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis melittantha Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis membracidoides Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis membraniflora C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis memor Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mentigera Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mentosa Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis merae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis meridana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mesophylla A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mexiae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis micklowii Luer & R.Vásquez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis micrantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microblephara Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microcardia Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis microcharis Schltr. ex Hoehne [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microcharis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microcharis var. minor Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis microchila L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microgemma Schltr. ex Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microlepanthes Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microphylla A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microphyta (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microphyta var. misionum Hauman Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis microptera Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microtatantha Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis microtis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis miersii Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis miguelii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis millei Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis millipeda Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minax Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis miniatolineolata Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis minima C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minimiflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minimifolia Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minimus Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis minor (Rendle) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minuta Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minutalis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minutiflora Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minutiflora S.Watson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minutiflora Hoffmanns. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis minutipetala Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis minutissima Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis miqueliana (H.Focke) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mirabilis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis miragliae Leite Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis miranda Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis misera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis miserrima Lindl. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis mitchellii Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mocoana Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis modesta (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis modestiflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis modestissima Rchb.f. & Warm. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis molleturoi Luer & Dodson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis monocardia Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis monophylla (Hook.) Fawc. & Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis monseratii Porsch Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis monstrabilis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis montana Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis montezumae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis montipelladensis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis montserratii Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis morenoi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis morganii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis morilloi Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis moritzii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mornicola Mansf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis moronae Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis morrisii Fawc. & Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis moschata Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mosenii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mouraei Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mouraei var. brevifolia Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis mouraeoides Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis mouraeoides var. riograndensis Pabst Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis mucronata Lindl. ex Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mucronata Lindl. Synonym M TRO
Pleurothallis multicaulis Poepp. & Endl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis multicuspidata Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis multirostris Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mundula Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis murex Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis murexoidea Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muricata Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muricata T.Hashim. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muricaudata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muriculata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis muscicola Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muscifera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muscoidea Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muscosa Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis muscosa var. parviflora Hoehne Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis myoxanthus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis myriantha F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis myrmecophila Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis myrticola Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis myrtillus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis mystax Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nakatae T.Hashim. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nana Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nanella Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nanifolia Foldats Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis napintzae Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis naraniensis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nasiterna Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nasuta Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis navarrensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis navicularis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis navilinguis Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nectarifera (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis neglecta Pupulin, Bogarín & Mel.Fernández Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis neibana Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nellyae P.Ortiz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nelsonii Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nemorosa Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nemorum Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis neobradei Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis neoharlingii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis neojordanensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis neojuergensii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nephrocardia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nephroglossa Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nervosa Braid Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nicaraguensis (Liebm.) Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis niederleinii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis niesseniae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nigriflora L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nigroannulata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nigrohirsuta Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nipterophylla Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nitida Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nittiorhyncha Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nivalis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis niveoglobula Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis northenae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nortonii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nossax Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis notabilis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis notosibirica T.Hashim. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nox-media Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nubensis Foldats Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nubigena Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nubigena Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nuda (Klotzsch) Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nummularia Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nutans Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis nutantiflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis nymphalis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis oblanceolata L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis obliquipetala Acuña & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis oblonga Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis oblongifolia Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis obovata (Lindl.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis obpyriformis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis obscura A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis occulta Knowles & Westc. ex Don Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis ocellata Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ocellus (Luer) Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ochracea Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ochreata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ochreata subsp. cylindrifolia Borba & Semir Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ochroleuca Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis octavioi Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis octomeriae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis octomeriantha Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis octomeriiformis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis octomerioides Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis octophrys Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis odobeniceps Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis odontotepala Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis oestlundiana L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ofella Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis oligantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis omissa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis omoglossa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis onagriceps Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis oncoglossa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis opeatorhyncha Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis operculata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ophiantha Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ophiocephala Barb.Rodr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ophiocephala Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ophioglossoides (Jacq.) Garay & H.R.Sweet Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis orbicularis (Lindl.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis orecta Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis orectopus Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis organensis A. Samp. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis oricola H.Stenzel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ornata (Garay) Foldats [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ornata Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ornithorrhyncha Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ortegae Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis orthostachys Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis oscarii Archila & Chiron Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis oscitans Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis osmosperma (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ospinae R.E.Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis otarion Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis otopetalum Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ottonis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ovalifolia (H.Focke) Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ovatilabia Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis oxapampae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis oxyglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pabstii Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pacayana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pachyglossa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pachyphylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pachyphyta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pachypus (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pachyrachis A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pachyrhyncha A.Rich. ex Benth. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pallida Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis palliolata Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis palmeirensis Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis palmiformis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis palpigera (H.Karst.) Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pan Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis panamensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pandurata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pandurifera Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis panduripetala Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis panduripetala var. minor Hoehne Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis panica Luer & Dalström Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pansamalae Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pansamalae var. triangulabia Correll Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis pantasmi Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pantasmoides C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pantherina Seehawer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pantothrix Kraenzl. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis papillifera Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis papillisepala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis papillosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis papulifolia Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis papuligera Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis papuligera var. macra Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis paquishae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis paradoxa Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis parahybunensis (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis paranaensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis paranapiacabensis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pardipes Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pariaensis Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis parva Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis parviflora Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis parvifolia Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis parvilabia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis parvula Ames & C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis paspaliformis Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pastacensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pastazae Schltr. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis patateensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis patula Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pauciflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis paulensis (Hoehne & Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pauloensis Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pavimentata Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pectinata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pectinata var. major Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis peculiaris Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pedicellaris Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis peduncularis Lindl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis peduncularis Hook. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pedunculata (Klotzsch) Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pedunculata var. peruviana C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis pelex Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pelicophora Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pelioxantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pellifeloidis (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pellucida Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pemonum Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pendens Dod Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pendula Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis penduliflora Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis penelops Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis penicillata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis peniculus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pennelliae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pennelliana Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pentamytera Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis peperomioides Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis per-dusenii Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis peraltensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perangusta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis peregrina Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perennis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perforata Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pergracilis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pergrata Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perijaensis Dunst. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis periodica Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pernambucensis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis peroniocephala Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis peroupavae Hoehne & Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perparva Standl. & L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perplexa Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perpusilla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis perryi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis persimilis Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pertenuis C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pertusa Dressler Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis petersiana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis petiolaris Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis petropolitana Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pfavii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pfisteri Braem & Braas Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis phaeantha Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis phalangifera (C.Presl) Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis phoenicoptera Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis phoxophylla Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis phratria Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis phrynoglossa Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis phyllocardia Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis phyllocardioides Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis phyllostachys Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis phymatodea Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pichinchae Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pichinchae Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis picta Hook. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis picta Rolfe [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis picta Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pidax Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pileata Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pilifera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pilosissima Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pilostoma Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis piraquarensis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis piratiningana Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis piresiana Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pisifera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pisinna Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pittieri Schltr. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis plantaginea (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis platycardia Rchb. f. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis platycardium Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis platycaulis Rchb. f. ex Cogn. Synonym M TRO
Pleurothallis platyglottis L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis platypetala Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis platyrachis (Rolfe) Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis platysemos Rchb.f. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis platysemos var. angustifolia Pabst Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis platysepala Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis platystachys Regel Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis platystylis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pleiostachys Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pleioxantha Barb. Rodr. Synonym M TRO
Pleurothallis pleurothalloides (Cogn.) Handro Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pleurothalloides var. major (Hoehne & Schltr.) Handro Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis plumosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pluriflora Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pluriracemosa Garay Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis poasensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis poculifera Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis podoglossa Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis poeppigii Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pogonion Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis polygonoides Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis polyliria Endres & Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis polystachya A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis polysticta Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pompalis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis popayanensis F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis porphyrantha Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis portillae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis portilloi Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis possoae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis potamophila Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis powellii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis praealta Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis praecipua Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis praegrandis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis praemorsa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pringlei Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pristeoglossa Rchb.f. & Warm. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pristis F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis privigna Luer & Hirtz [Illegitimate] Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis privigna Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis procera Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis procumbens Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis producta Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis prognatha Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis prolaticollaris Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis prolifera Herb. ex Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis prolificans Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis prolixa Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis propinqua Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis prorepens (Rchb.f.) Ames, F.T.Hubb. & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis prostrata Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pruinosa Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pseudocheila Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pseudopogon Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis psichion Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis psilantha Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pterocaulis L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pteroglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pterophora Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pterophora var. minor Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ptychophora Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis puberula Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis puberula Klotzsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pubescens Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pubipetala Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pulchella (Kunth) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pulcherrima Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pulvinaris Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis pulvinata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pulvinipes Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pumila Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctata (H.Karst.) Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctata Barb.Rodr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctata Ker Gawl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctata Lindl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctatiflora Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctatifolia (Barb.Rodr.) Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis punctulata Rolfe Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis punicea Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis purdomae Ames ex Purdom Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis purpurascens Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis purpurea D.Don Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis purpurea (Ruiz & Pav.) Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis purpurella Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis purpureoviolacea Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis purpusii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pusilla (Kunth) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis puttemansii Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pygmaea Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pyrsodes Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis pyxos Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quadrata C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quadricaudata Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis quadricristata Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quadridentata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis quadrifida (Lex.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quadriserrata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quartzicola (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quaternaria Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis questionis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis quinquecallosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quinqueseta Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis quisqueyana Dod Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis quitensis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rabei Foldats Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis racemiflora (Sw.) Lindl. ex Hook. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis racemiflora Lindl. ex Lodd. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis racemosa (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis racemosa var. minor Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis radialis Porto & Brade Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis radula Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis raduliglossa Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramentacea Garay & Dunst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramificans Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramonensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramosa Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramosii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramphastorhyncha (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ramphastorhyncha var. caespitosa Porsch Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ramulosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis raymondi Rchb. f. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis rectipetala Ames & C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis recula Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis recurva Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis recurva var. microphylla (Barb.Rodr.) Garay Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis recurvata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis recurvipetala (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis reedii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis regalis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis regeliana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis reginae Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis reichenbachiana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis remotiflora C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis renipetala (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis renipetala var. grandifolia Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis renipetala var. intermedia Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis repens Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis repens Rolfe [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis reptans Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis reptilis Luer & Dalström Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis restrepioides Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis resupinata Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis retusa (Lex.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis retusiloba C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis revoluta (Ruiz & Pav.) Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis reymondii (H.Karst.) Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhabdosepala Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhaphidopus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhizomatosa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhodocardia Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhodoglossa Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhodosticta Kraenzl. [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis rhodotantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhomboglossa Rchb.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhombopetala Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhopalocarpa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhynchantha (Rchb.f. & Warsz.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rhynchoglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis richteri H.Dietr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ricii Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rictoria Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rigidifolia Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rigidula Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ringens C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rio-grandensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rio-grandensis var. longicaulis Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis rio-grandensis var. viridicata Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ripleyi Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis robertoi Luer & Toscano Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis robledorum Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rodrigoi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rodriguesii Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis roezlii Rchb.f. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis roraimensis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis roseola Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis roseopunctata Lindl. Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis rostellata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rostratissima Luer & J.Portilla Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rostriflora Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rotundata C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rotundifolia Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rowleei Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubella Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubens Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubens var. latifolia Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis rubens var. longifolia Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis ruberrima Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubigena Lindl. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis rubroinversa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubrolimbata Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubrolineata Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rubroviridis Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rudolfii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rufa Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rufescens (Rolfe) Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rufobrunnea Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rugosa Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis rupestris Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis rusbyi Rolfe Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ruscaria Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ruschii Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R.Br. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ruscifolia var. caquetana Schltr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis saccata Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis saccatilabia C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sagittata Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sagittifera Kunth Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sagittilabia Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis salpingantha Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis saltatoria Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis samacensis Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sanchezii Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sanchoi Ames Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sanctae-rosae (Kraenzl.) Garay Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sandaliorum G.A.Romero & Carnevali Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sandemanii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sanguinolenta Garay & W.Kittr. ex McVaugh Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sanjanae Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sanluisii Foldats Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sannio Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sarcochila Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sarcodactylae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sarcopetala (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sarcophylla Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sarcosepala Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sarracenia Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis saundersiana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis saurocephala Lodd. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scaberula Rolfe Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scabrata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scabridula Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scabrilinguis Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scabripes Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scalaris Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scalpricaulis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scandens Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scandens var. simplicicaulis C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis scansor Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scapha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scaphioglottis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scaphipetala Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scariosa (Lex.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schaferi Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schenkii Luer Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis schiedei Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schistopetala Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schizopogon Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schlechteriana Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schlimii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schnitteri Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schudelii Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schulzeana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schweinfurthiana L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis schweinfurthii Garay Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scintillata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scitula Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sclarea Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sclerophylla Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scleropus Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scolopax Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scoparum Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis scopula Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sculptilis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis scurrula Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis secunda Poepp. & Endl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis secunda var. longiracema (C.Schweinf.) C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis secunda var. secunda Synonym L TRO
Pleurothallis segoviensis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis segregatifolia Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis seidelii Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis semilunata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis semipellucida Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis semipellucida var. grandiflora C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis semiscabra Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis semperflorens Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sempergemmata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sergioi Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis seriata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis serpens Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis serpentula Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis serpentula var. major Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis serricardia Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis serrifera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis serripetala Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis serrisepala Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis serrulapetala Barb. Rodr. Accepted M TRO
Pleurothallis serrulata (Barb.Rodr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis serrulatipetala Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sertularioides (Sw.) Spreng. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sertularioides var. trinitensis Griseb. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis setigera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis setosa C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sextonii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis shuarii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sibatensis F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sicaria Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sicariopsis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sicula Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sieberi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sigmoidea Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sigsigensis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sigynes Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sijmii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis silvae Luer & Toscano Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis silvae-pacis Karremans Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis silverstonei Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis silvestris Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simacoana Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis similis (Schltr.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simmleriana Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simplex Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simplicicaulis (C.Schweinf.) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simpliciflora Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simpliciglossa Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simplicilabia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis simulans L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis simulatrix Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis siphoglossa Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis siphonantha Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sirene Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis smaragdina Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis smithiana Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis smithiana var. viridicata Cogn. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis smithii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sobrina Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sodiroi Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis solium Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis somnolenta Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sonderanoides Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sonderiana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sonderiana var. longicaulis Barb.Rodr. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis soratana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sordida Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sororcula Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sororia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sotarae Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis spannageliana Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sparsiflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathata Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathilabia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathosa Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathulata A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathulifolia C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathuliformis Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathuliglossa Hoehne Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis spathulipetala Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis speciosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spectabilis Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spectrilinguis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spegazziniana L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sphaerantha Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sphaeroglossa Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sphenochila Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spicata (Dutra) Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spiculifera Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spilantha Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spiloporphyrea Dod Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis spiritu-sanctensis Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sprucei Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stalkyi Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis standleyi Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis steinbuchiae Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stelidiformis Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stelidilabia Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis stelidioides Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stelidiopsis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stellata I.Ramírez & Carnevali Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenocardium Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenoglossa Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenopetala Lodd. ex Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenophylla F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenosepala Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenostachya Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stenostachya var. lankesteri (Rolfe) Ames Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis stenota Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis stergiosii Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis stevensii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stevensonii Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis steyermarkii C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis stictophylla Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis stigmatoglossa Rchb.f. ex Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stillsonii Dod Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stonei Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis striata (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis striata H.Focke Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stricta Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis strobilifera F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis strumosa Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis strupifolia Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis stumpflei Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subcordifolia Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subnulla Luer & Toscano Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subpellucida Klotzsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subpicta Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subreniformis Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis subrotundifolia Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subserrata (Schltr.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subsinuata Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis subtilis C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis subulata Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis subulifolia Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis subumbellata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis succedanea Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis succosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis succuba Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sugdenii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sulcata Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis sulphurea Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis superbiens Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis superposita Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis supervacanea Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis surinamensis H.Focke Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis susanensis Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis suspensa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis sylvatica Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis syringifolia Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis syringodes Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis systremmata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tabacina (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis talpinaria Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis talpinarioides Garay & Dunst. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tamaensis Foldats Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tamboensis Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tantilla Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tanyrhina Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis taracuana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tarantula Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis taurus Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis taxis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis teaguei Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tectosa Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis telamon Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tempestalis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenebrosa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenera (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tentaculata (Poepp. & Endl.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenuiflora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenuifolia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenuifolia var. longisepala C.Schweinf. Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis tenuis C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenuispica Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tenuissima Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tepuiensis Carnevali & I.Ramírez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis teres Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis teretifolia Rolfe Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis testifolia (Sw.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tetrachaeta Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tetragona Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tetrapetala F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tetroxys Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis thomasiae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis thymochila Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis thysana Luer & J.Portilla Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tiarata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tigridens Loefgr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tikalensis Correll & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tintinnabula Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tipuloides Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis titan Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis toachica Luer & Dodson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tokachii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tomentosa Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tonduzii Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis torrana Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tortilis Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trachychlamys Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trachysepala Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis trachystoma Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trachytheca F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tragulosa Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis translucida Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis transparens Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis transversilabia Carnevali & I.Ramírez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis trialata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trialata Rolfe [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trianae Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triangulabia C. Schweinf. Accepted M TRO
Pleurothallis triangularis Klotzsch & H.Karst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triangulilabia C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triangulipetala Ames & Correll Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tribuloides (Sw.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tricarinata H.Focke [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tricarinata Poepp. & Endl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tricaudata Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trichophora Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis trichopoda A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trichopoda Rchb.f. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trichorrachis Rchb. f. ex Anderson Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis trichostoma Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trichyphis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tricolor (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tricora Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tricostata Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tridentata Klotzsch Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis trifida Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trifurcata Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis trigonopoda Klotzsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trilineata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trilineata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trilobata Fawc. & Rendle Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trimeroglossa Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trimeropetala Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trimytera Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trinitensis (Griseb.) Carnevali & G.A.Romero Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triptera Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tripterantha Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tripteris Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tripterocarpa Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tripterygia Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triquetra Schltr. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triquetra Klotzsch ex Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tristis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis triura Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis troglodytes Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tropida Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trulla Rchb.f. & Warsz. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trullifera Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis trullilabia Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis truncata Lindl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis truncicola Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis truxillensis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tryssa Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tsubotae Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tubata (Lodd.) Steud. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tuberculata C.Wright ex Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tuberculosa Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tubulosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tuerckheimii Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tunguraguae F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tunguraguae var. minor Garay Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis turrialbae Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis tuzae Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis tyria Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis ujarensis (Rchb.f.) Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis umbraticola Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis umbrosa (Barb.Rodr.) Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis uncinata Fawc. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis unduavica Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis undulata Poepp. & Endl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis unguicallosa Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis unguiculata Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis uniflora Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis unilateralis Cogn. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis uninervia Luer & Dodson Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis uniseriata Rolfe Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis unistriata Rolfe [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis univaginata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis upanoensis Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis urbaniana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis urceolata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis urosepala F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ursula Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis uvifera Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis uxoria Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vagans Garay & Dunst. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vaginata Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vaginulata Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis valenzuelana A.Rich. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis valladolidensis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis valvola Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis vargasii C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis variabilis Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis variegata Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vasquezii Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vegrandis Luer & Dodson Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis velaticaulis Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis velatipes Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis veliformis Luer & Dalström Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis vellozoana Schltr. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis venosa Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ventricosa Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis venulosa Luer & R.Vásquez [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis veraguacensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis verbiformis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis verboonenii Luer & Toscano Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis verecunda Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis verrucosa (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis verruculosa Kraenzl. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis versicolor Porsch Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis versicolor Hoehne [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vestigipetala Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vestita Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis viduata Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis vieirae Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis vilipensa Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis villosa Knowles & Westc. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis villosilabia Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vinacea Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vinealis Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis vinosa Hoehne & Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis violacea A.Rich. & Galeotti Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis violaceomaculata Hoehne Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis violaceorosea Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis virens Lindl. Unresolved L TRO
Pleurothallis virgata Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis viridiflora Seehawer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis viridis Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis viridula Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vitellina Porsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vitorinoi Luer & Toscano Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vittariifolia Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis vittata Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis volans Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis volcanica Luer Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis vorator Luer & R.Vásquez Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis wacketii Handro & Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wageneriana Klotzsch Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wagneri Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wanderbildtiana Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis warmingii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wawraeana Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis weddelliana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis welsiae-windischiae Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis welteri Pabst Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wendlandiana Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wercklei Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis werneri Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wigginsii C.Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis williamsii Ames Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wilsonii Lindl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wilsonii var. quentiniana Stehlé Synonym L WCSP
Pleurothallis wolfiana Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wrightii Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis wyvern Luer & R.Escobar Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis xanthella Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis xanthochlora Rchb.f. Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis xanthophthalma (Rchb.f.) L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis xenion Luer & R.Escobar Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis xerophila Schltr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ximenae Luer [Unplaced] Unresolved L WCSP
Pleurothallis xiphizusa (Rchb.f. & Warsz.) Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis xiphochila Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis xylobiochila Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis yanganensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis yauaperyensis Barb.Rodr. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis ypirangae Kraenzl. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis yucatanensis Ames & C.Schweinf. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis yungasensis Rolfe Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis yupanki Luer & R.Vásquez Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis zarumae Luer & Hirtz Accepted H WCSP
Pleurothallis zephyrina Rchb.f. Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis zorrocuchensis Luer Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis zumbae Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
Pleurothallis zunagensis Luer & Hirtz Synonym H WCSP
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