The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


74 plant name records match your search criteria Angorchis. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Angorchis alcicornis (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis arachnopus (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis arcuata (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis armeniaca (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis articulata (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis ashantensis (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis bicaudata (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis biloba (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis boutonii (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis brongniartiana (Rchb.f. ex Linden) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis campyloplectron (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis capitata (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis caudata (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis chailluana (Hook.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis citrata (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis clandestina (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis clavigera (Ridl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis conchifera (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis cowanii (Ridl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis crassa (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis criptangis Thouars ex Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis cryptodon (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis cucullangis Thouars ex Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis cucullata (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis curnowiana (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis dactyloceras (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis eburnea (Bory) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis ellisii (B.S.Williams) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis falcata (Thunb.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis fastuosa (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis flabellifolia (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis fragrangis Thouars ex Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis funalis (Sw.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis fuscata (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis galeandrae (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis gladiifolia (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis gracilis (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis hildebrandtii (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis hyalodes (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis implicata (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis infundubularis (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis maxillarioides (Ridl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis megalorrhiza (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis modesta (Hook.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis monodon (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis palmiformis (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis papagayi (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis parvula (Ayres ex S.Moore) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis pectangis Thouars ex Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis pectinata (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis pertusa (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis physophora (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis polystachya (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis pusilla (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis ramosa (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis recurva (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis rhipsalisocia (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis rhodosticta (Kraenzl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis rohrii (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis rostrata (Ridl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis saccifera (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis scottiana (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis sedenii (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis sesquepedalis (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis sesquipedale (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym M TRO
Angorchis spathulata (Ridl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis striata (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis superba (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis tenuis (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis teretifolia (Ridl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis triangis Thouars ex Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis triquetra (Thouars) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis vesicata (Lindl.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP
Angorchis welwitschii (Rchb.f.) Kuntze Synonym H WCSP