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40 plant name records match your search criteria Cullumia. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

  • Cullumia; species epithets begin with: A B C D F H I M O P R S

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Cullumia aculeata (Houtt.) Roessler Accepted M TICA
Cullumia aculeata var. aculeata Synonym L TICA
Cullumia aculeata var. sublanata (DC.) Roessler Accepted L TICA
Cullumia adnata DC. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia adpressifolia Sond. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia bisulca (Thunb.) Less. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia carlinoides DC. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia ciliaris (L.) R.Br. ex R.Br. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia ciliaris subsp. angustifolia (Hutch.) Roessler Unresolved L TICA
Cullumia ciliaris var. angustifolia Hutch. Synonym L TICA
Cullumia ciliaris var. ciliaris Synonym L TICA
Cullumia ciliaris subsp. ciliaris Unresolved L TICA
Cullumia ciliata (L.) Druce Synonym M TICA
Cullumia cirsioides DC. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia cirsioides var. carlinoides (DC.) Harv. Synonym L TICA
Cullumia cirsioides var. cirsioides Synonym L TICA
Cullumia decurrens Less. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia floccosa E.Mey. ex DC. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia hispida (L.f.) Less. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia intermedia DC. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia massoni S.Moore Synonym M TICA
Cullumia micracantha DC. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia micrantha DC. Accepted L TICA
Cullumia obovata E.Mey. ex DC. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia patula (Thunb.) Less. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia patula subsp. patula Synonym L TICA
Cullumia pauciflora DC. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia pectinata (Thunb.) Less. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia reflexa Sch.Bip. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia reticulata (L.) "Greuter, M.V.Agab. & Wagenitz" Accepted M TICA
Cullumia rigida DC. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia selago Roessler Accepted M TICA
Cullumia setosa (L.) Sieber ex R.Br. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia setosa var. adnata (DC.) Harv. Accepted L TICA
Cullumia setosa var. setosa Synonym L TICA
Cullumia squarrosa (L.) R.Br. ex R.Br. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia stricta Compton Synonym M TICA
Cullumia sublanata DC. Synonym M TICA
Cullumia sulcata (Thunb.) Drège ex Less. Accepted M TICA
Cullumia sulcata var. sulcata Synonym L TICA