The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


36 plant name records match your search criteria Dodonaea viscosa. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

  • Dodonaea; species epithets begin with: V

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. Accepted M WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia (L.f.) Benth. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. angustifolia (L.f.) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia (L.f.) J.G.West Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima (DC.) J.G.West Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. arborescens (Hook.f.) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. arborescens (Hook.f.) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. arizonica (A.Nelson) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. arizonica (A.Nelson) A.E.Murray Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. arizonica (A.Nelson) A.E.Murray Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. aspleniifolia (Rudge) Hook.f. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. burmanniana (DC.) Radlk. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. burmanniana (DC.) J.G.West Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. candolleana (Blume) Backer Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata (Sm.) J.G.West Accepted L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. ehrenbergii (Schltdl.) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. elaeagnoides (Rudolphi ex Ledeb. & Adlerstam) Brizicky Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. eriocarpoidea Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. galapagensis (Sherff) D.M.Porter Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. hispidula Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. laurina Britten Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. lilacina Kuntze Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. linearis (Harv. & Sond.) Sherff. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. linearis (Harv. & Sond.) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. megazyga F.Muell. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. minor (Blume) Backer Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. minor Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. obovata C.L.Hitchc. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. repanda Radlk. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. schiedeana (Schltdl.) Radlk. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. spatulata (Sm.) Benth. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. spatulata (Sm.) Sherff Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata (Sm.) J.G.West Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. stokesiana F.Br. Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa f. viridula Kuntze Synonym L WCSP (in review)
Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa Synonym L TRO