The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


77 plant name records match your search criteria Misanteca. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Misanteca alata (Miranda) Miranda Accepted M TRO
Misanteca amara (Mez) Lundell Synonym L TRO
Misanteca anacardioides (Spruce ex Meisn.) Benth. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca anacardioides (Meisn.) Benth. & Hook. f. Synonym M TRO
Misanteca appelii (Mez) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca areolata (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca aritu (Ducke) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca armeniaca (Poepp. ex Nees) Lundell Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Misanteca aurea (Huber) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca brasiliensis (Nees) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca brittoniana (C.K. Allen & L.E. Greg.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca camara (R.H. Schomb.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca campechiana (Standl.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca cannella (Meisn.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca capitata Cham. & Schltdl. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca caryophyllata (Ducke) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca caudata (Lundell) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca cayennensis (Meisn.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca cervantesii (Kunth) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca chrysophylla (Meisn.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca clavata (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca conoidea (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca coriacea (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca costaricensis I.M.Johnst. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca crassiramea Benth. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca cubensis (O.C. Schmidt) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca cubensis Benth. Synonym M TRO
Misanteca cufodontisii (Kosterm.) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca cymbarum (Kunth) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca debilis (Mez) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca duartei (C.K. Allen) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca duckei A. Samp. Synonym M TRO
Misanteca endicheriaefolia (Kosterm.) Lundell Synonym L TRO
Misanteca excelsa (Kosterm.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca foveolata (Mez) Lundell Accepted L TRO
Misanteca glaberrima (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca guatemalensis (Lundell) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca ibarrae Lundell Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Misanteca jamaicensis (Nees) Lundell Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Misanteca jurgensenii Mez Synonym M TRO
Misanteca latifolia (A.C. Sm.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca limbosa (Ruiz & Pav.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca lucida (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca macrophylla (A.C. Sm.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca maguireana (C.K. Allen) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca mahuba (A. Samp.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca martiniana (Mez) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca meissneri (Mez) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca mexicana (Brandegee) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca misantlae (Brandegee) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca multiflora (Kosterm.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca mutisii (Kosterm.) Lundell Accepted L TRO
Misanteca nayaritensis Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca oblongifolia (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca oppositifolia (Nees) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca pachycarpa (Meisn.) Lundell Synonym L TRO
Misanteca parvifolia (Lam.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca peckii I.M.Johnst. Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca pittieri Mez Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca polyphylla (Nees) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca pucheri (Ruiz & Pav.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca puchury-major (Mart.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca quirirafuina (Kosterm.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca quixos (Lam.) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca reclinata (Lundell) Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca rigida (Kosterm.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca salicifolia (Sw.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca schultesii (C.K.Allen) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca sericea (Griseb.) Lundell Accepted L TRO
Misanteca simulans (C.K.Allen) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca subbullata (Kosterm.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca tenuifolia (Kosterm.) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca tikalana Lundell Synonym M TRO
Misanteca triandra (Sw.) Mez Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca urceolata (Lundell) Lundell Accepted M TRO
Misanteca vernicosa (Mez) Lundell Synonym M WCSP (in review)
Misanteca wilhelminensis (C.K. Allen) Lundell Accepted M TRO