The Plant List — A working list for all plant species


22 plant name records match your search criteria Rhadamanthus. The results are below.

The names found have these generic epithets:

  • Rhadamanthus; species epithets begin with: A C F I K M N P R S U

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Rhadamanthus albiflorus B.Nord. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus apiculatus (H.Perrier) Speta Unresolved L WCSP
Rhadamanthus arenicola B.Nord. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus calcicola (H.Perrier) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus caythiformis (H.Perrier) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus convallarioides (L.f.) Salisb. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus convallarioides (L. f.) Baker Synonym M TRO
Rhadamanthus cyanelloides Baker Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus fasciatus B.Nord. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus floribundus (H.Perrier) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus intermedius (H.Perrier) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus involutus J.C.Manning & Snijman Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus karooicus Oberm. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus madagascariensis (Baker) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus mascarenensis (Baker) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus montanus B.Nord. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus namibensis Oberm. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus platyphyllus B.Nord. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus rotundus (H.Perrier) Speta Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus secundus B.Nord. Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus urantherus R.A.Dyer Synonym H WCSP
Rhadamanthus urgineoides (Baker) Speta Synonym H WCSP