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113 plant name records match your search criteria Struthiola. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Struthiola albersii H. Pearson Synonym M TRO
Struthiola amabilis Gilg Synonym M TRO
Struthiola angustifolia Lam. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola angustiloba B. Peterson & Hilliard Accepted M TRO
Struthiola anomala Hilliard Accepted M TRO
Struthiola argentea Lehm. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola argentea var. laxior Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola aurea Eckl. & Zeyh. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola bachmanniana Gilg Synonym M TRO
Struthiola brevifolia Willd. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola chrysantha Licht. ex Roem. & Schult. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola chrysantha Eckl. & Zeyh. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola chrysantha var. dregei Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola cicatricosa C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola ciliata (L.) Lam. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola ciliata subsp. ciliata Synonym L TRO
Struthiola concava S. Moore Accepted M TRO
Struthiola confusa C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola congesta C.H. Wright Synonym M TRO
Struthiola dodecandra (L.) Druce Accepted M TRO
Struthiola dodecapetala Bartl. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola dregeana Meisn. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola eckloniana Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola epacridioides C.H. Wright Synonym M TRO
Struthiola erecta L. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola erecta Curtis Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola erecta var. lanceolata (Retz.) Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola erecta var. vulgaris Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola ericina Gilg Synonym M TRO
Struthiola ericoides C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola fasciata C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola flavescens Gilg ex C.H. Wright Synonym M TRO
Struthiola floribunda C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola formosa Eckl. & Zeyh. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola fourcadei Compton Synonym M TRO
Struthiola galpinii C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola garciana C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola gilgiana H. Pearson Synonym M TRO
Struthiola glabra Roem. & Schult. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola glabra Zeyh. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola glauca Lodd. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola grandis Bartl. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola hirsuta Wikstr. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola hirsuta var. glabrescens Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola holstii Engl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola imbricata Andrews Synonym M TRO
Struthiola incana Lodd. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola juniperina Retz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola kilimandscharica Gilg Synonym M TRO
Struthiola lanceolata Retz. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola lateriflora Hornem. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola laxa Nois. ex Schult. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola leiosiphon Gilg ex C.H. Wright Synonym M TRO
Struthiola leptantha Bolus Accepted M TRO
Struthiola lineariloba Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola littoralis H.L.Wendl. ex Endl. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola longiflora Lam. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola longifolia C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola lucens Poir. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola lutescens Eckl. & Zeyh. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola macowanii C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola martiana Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola montana B. Peterson Accepted M TRO
Struthiola mundii Eckl. ex Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola myrsinites Lam. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola nana L. f. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola ovata Thunb. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola ovata var. breviflora Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola ovata var. lanceolata (Retz.) Meisn. Unresolved L TRO
Struthiola ovata var. longiflora Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola ovata var. myrsinites (Lam.) Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola ovata var. scariosa Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola parviflora Bartl. ex Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola pendula Salisb. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola pentheri S. Moore Synonym M TRO
Struthiola pillansii Hutch. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola pondoensis Gilg ex C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola pubescens Retz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola pubescens Steud. ex Meisn. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola pubescens Sims Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola ramosa C.H. Wright Synonym M TRO
Struthiola recta C.H. Wright Accepted M TRO
Struthiola rhodesiana B. Peterson Accepted M TRO
Struthiola rigida Meisn. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola rubra Donn Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola rubra Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola rustiana Gilg Synonym M TRO
Struthiola salteri Levyns Accepted M TRO
Struthiola scaettae Staner Accepted M TRO
Struthiola scandens Wall. ex Mast. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola schlechteri Gilg ex C.H. Wright Synonym M TRO
Struthiola striata Lam. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola striata var. angustifolia Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola striata var. imbricata (Andrews) Poir. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola stricta Donn Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola stuhlmannii Gilg Synonym M TRO
Struthiola subulata Lam. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola sulcata F.W. Schmidt Synonym M TRO
Struthiola tetragona Retz. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Struthiola tetralepis Schltr. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola tetralepis var. tetralepis Synonym L TRO
Struthiola thomsonii Oliv. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola tomentosa Andrews Accepted M TRO
Struthiola tuberculosa Lam. Accepted M TRO
Struthiola usambarensis Engl. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola vahlii Wikstr. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola villosa Wikstr. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola virgata L. Synonym M TRO
Struthiola virgata var. glabriflora Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola virgata var. incana (Lodd.) Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola virgata var. linnaeana Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola virgata var. pubescens Meisn. Synonym L TRO
Struthiola volkensii H.J.P. Winkl. Synonym M TRO